Site Map
IV444 - January 2012
IV445 - February 2012
- Eleftherotypia’s Workers are back with their own newspaper !
- Our AAA : Audit, Action, Abolition
- Against the Rule of Capital; For the General Strike
- Bensaid’s indignation
- Call to action – Reclaiming our future: Rio +20 and Beyond
- Condemn the killings of CPI(M) activists, stand up for democratic rights for all
- Coup bid reveals extremism within
- Face the enemy in unity or back the chauvinists and perish
- From despair to resistance
- From Lula to Dilma
- Hundreds of thousands of protesters opposed repression at Syntagma Square - we will continue the fight until we drive them out!
- Hunger is man-made and man can unmake it
- In defence of the Ultras: their message and our response – Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists on the football stadium massacre
- Is another world still possible?
- Is the "Green economy" the new Washington consensus?
- IV445 - February 2012 PDF
- Lahore factory blast: Lift Ban on Factory inspection, better health and safety measures for the workers
- Occupy Nigeria: A general strike against the “Cabalocrocy”
- Occupy, longshore workers challenge anti-union bosses
- On green capitalism, the indignados and the social forums
- Pakistan, theatre of war
- Restructure, audit or cancel the debt?
- Revolutions are not over
- Social explosion, a question of months?
- The Aggravating Crisis Cannot be Solved Even with Wen Jiabao’s Push for Political Reform
- The CADTM downgrades its IMF rating and places this institution on very negative outlook
- The Next Banking Crisis
- The point of no return
- The Real Ron Paul
- The roots of the world economic crisis
- The Russia of the indignant
- The urgency of an independent women’s movement against debt and austerity measures
- Theses on the “Arab Spring”
- What new wind is blowing in Burma?
- What priorities, tasks and ambitions for the citizens’ audit in Europe?
IV446 - March 2012
IV447 - April 2012
IV448 - May 2012
IV449 - June 2012
IV450 - July 2012
IV451 - August 2012
IV452 - September 2012
IV453 - October 2012
IV454 - November 2012
IV455 - December 2012
IV479 - December 2014
IV480 - January 2015
IV481 - February 2015
IV482 - March 2015
IV483 - April 2015
IV484 - May 2015
IV485 - June 2015
- An illegitimate regime, a success that prepares triumphs
- HDP’s poetic call for “Great Humanity” and the Parliamentary elections in Turkey
- A defeat for austerity policies but no left wing victory
- A defeat that generated feelings of victory
- A hurricane without water: Detroit’s foreclosure disaster
- After 2011, social struggles and constituent process
- Auditing the Greek Debt: unity of place, time and action
- Caste violence
- Catalonia: earthquake in common
- Electoral amnesia in Argentina
- Executive Summary of the report from the Debt Truth Committee
- François Vercammen, member of the Belgian section of the Fourth International
- From “huis” to “huis” we reclaim the university
- HDP election success: victory of the oppressed, a nightmare for the AKP
- Hijacking the Anthropocene
- Hillary Clinton’s Family Values
- Israel’s “selective compassion”
- IV485 - June 2015 PDF
- Kurds, Labor, and the Left in Turkey: an Interview with Erdem Yörük
- Liberation Through Vacation
- No to the diktats of the Troika, solidarity with the Greek people
- Popular unity for No! and a complete break
- Scotland after the British general election
- Teduray: Lumad struggle for identity, territory is consistent, even without arms
- The changes in the political landscape in France
- The forgotten massacre
- What position should the left take on the EU referendum?
- Why Europe Needs A Debt Conference
- ”Perhaps with unstable governments the citizens will win”
IV486 - July 2015
IV487 - August 2015
IV488 - September 2015
- An Open Letter to Bernie Sanders Supporters from Solidarity, a socialist, feminist, anti-racist organization
- COP 21, a summit of falsehood
- After Syriza
- After the elections: Chauvinism, a receding force
- An upsurge of solidarity - Refugees, welcome! Something new in Germany...
- ‘People are becoming conscious of the futility of the politics of racism’
- Canada: Getting rid of the Harper government – an imperative necessity
- Catalonia vs. the Spanish State, or the failure of the federalist alternative
- Climate: disaster is on its way!
- Elections, Politics and Tamil Nationalism: Hopeless Impasse and Strivings of the People
- First Thoughts on the Greek Election
- From Germany to Greece
- IV488 - September 2015 PDF
- Jez we did! – A political earthquake
- Jill Stein Campaign Needs Support Now
- Labour Law Reforms, Indian Capitalism and the Modi Government
- Make the One Day All-India Strike on 2 September a Huge Success
- Mexico’s Deepening Crises
- Numerous guilty actors for Aylan and the million of others…
- Racist Terror, Then and Now
- Sexist rampage against resistance to memoranda: The case of the President of the Greek Parliament
- Ten years on: Katrina, militarisation and climate change
- The campaign “you stink” shakes the sectarian regime in Lebanon
- The Islamic State, or the main reason for the millions of refugees from Syria?
- Tsipras’ Pyrrhic victory and the struggle ahead
- Turkey resumes its war against the Kurds
- Why Black Lives Matter Is Game Change
IV489 - October 2015
IV490 - November 2015
- A meeting on Syria banned in St Gilles (Belgium)
- Against fear: solidarity !
- Against the state of emergency, for the right to demonstrate
- An exchange of views on the situation in Portugal
- Anti-militarisation protests in Japan: An interview with Chie Matsumoto.
- Belgian Fourth Internationalists denounce move to strong state
- Finally, a new government in Portugal
- Greek soldiers refuse to confront refugees
- In solidarity with the victims of Paris, Beirut, Ankara, Baghdad…
- IV490 - November 2015 PDF
- Left Bloc closes negotiations with the Socialist Party
- Left-wing agreement increases incomes and ends privatisations
- Nationalism and War Mongering Won the Election
- Nearly five years after the fall of Ben Ali
- Political resolution of the national leadership of the Left Bloc
- Solidarity with the victims of terrorism, no to war and racism
- The 13 November attacks in Paris: the terror of the Islamic State, the state of emergency in France, our responsibilities
- The attacks in Paris on 13 November: "The aim of terrorism is nothing but to create a permanent state of terror, hatred and mistrust generalized within the population"
- The Catalan Parliament votes: complexities and contradictions
- The cruelty of imperialist wars results in the cruelty of terrorism
- The global refugee crisis and the crisis of the European Union
- The Momentum is with Corbyn
- Towards a new government?
- U.S. Workers & Puerto Rico’s Crisis
- What will happen after this weekend’s agreement between the Socialists, the Left Bloc and the Communists?
- Why We Need Open Borders
- Your wars, our dead
IV491 - December 2015
- A Brief History of ISIS
- Against Sexual Violence and Rape, Against State Terror, Against Communalist Violence and Intolerance
- Big Three Contracts: Who Won?
- Bigotry vs. Black Lives, Muslims, Immigrants
- Catalonia: Referendum and constituent process
- Celebrate the electoral breakthrough but prepare to continue fighting for a rupture
- COP21: in spite of the show, the glass is 80% empty
- Crises, Craziness and "Security"
- Final warning! The situation in France after the regional elections
- Germany hardens its policy towards refugees
- Grassroots environmental struggles in China
- Greece: an alternative
- Greece: Why Capitulate? Another Way Is Possible
- If not us then who?
- Interview with FeesMustFall activist, Palesa Mcophela
- IV491 - December 2015 PDF
- Let us mobilise against dictatorships, imperialist aggression and Daesh. We reject the politics of “national security”, racism and austerity
- Mr. Voutsis and the ?Truth Commission on Greek Public Debt
- New colonialisms and the crisis of left values
- Recipes for curbing the conference
- Referendum and constituent process
- Regionals: Look out! Danger! The world of labour must take back the initiative
- Response to Tariq Ali 2015, or the need for internationalist solidarity
- South America: end of a cycle? Popular movements, “progressive” governments and eco-socialist alternatives
- The reasons behind France’s recurrent deadly floods
- The Red-Green Alliance on the referendum in Denmark
- The state of play before December 20
- Towards a pro-austerity “grand coalition”?
- What Happened to the Arab Spring?
IV516 - January 2018
IV517 - February 2018
IV518 - March 2018
IV519 - April 2018
IV520 - May 2018
IV521 - June 2018
IV522 - July 2018
- AMLO, Mexico’s New President, Promises End to Corruption, Makes Peace with Capitalist Class
- July 1, 2018 - a new historical period opens
- The BRICS, global governance, accumulation, class struggle and resource extractivism
- A necktie for Tsipras and a noose for workers
- Against austerity, Brexit and Fortress Europe
- Against Janša, Against Brussels
- Ali Wazeer; A Marxist in the parliament dominated by feudal and capitalists
- Argentina: Who will pay for the crisis, them or us?
- ‘A Better Past is Still Possible’. Interview with Boris Buden
- Democracy and Ecological Crisis
- Election Manifesto 2018 – An Alternative is Possible!
- Elections in Turkey confirm authoritarian regime and tasks for an Anticapitalist Alternative
- European union: for or against?
- For Palestinian Feminists, Liberation Has 2 Meanings
- Heatwave: A very serious warning!
- IVP522 July 2018 PDF magazine
- Lessons from the Portuguese non-model
- Nicaragua in Pain
- Notes for a balance sheet of ten years of reforms
- Open Letter on Puerto Rico to the NAACP
- Revolts against price rises bring down government
- Rice Becomes Less Nutritious If There’s More Carbon Dioxide in the Air
- Six Takeaways From the Turkish Elections
- Stop inhumane policies against migrants!
- Syria: The Social Origins of the Uprising
- The Haitian people revolt, demonstrators control almost all the country
- The Kafala System is How Capitalism Is Driving Modern Slavery
- The real reason Saudi Arabia lifted its ban on women driving: economic necessity
- The Roots of Trump’s Immigration Barbarity
- Walkouts teach U.S. labor a new grammar for struggle
- We Asked: Geopolitics and the Left (Part I: Russia & the West)
IV523 - August 2018
IV524 - September 2018
IV525 - October 2018
IV526 - November 2018
IV527 - December 2018
IV540 - January 2020
IV541 - February 2020
IV542 - March 2020
- Culture Wars and Class Wars
- From health emergency to social crisis
- Movement against neoliberalism and confessionalism grows
- Some notes on learning from AIDS activism for our responses to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
- #MeToo in Japan
- 1000 Covid-19 deaths in the Spanish State, no end in sight
- 2,000 dead as coronavirus ravages France
- Against Macron’s law: the battle is not over
- An emergency social and political plan against COVID 19
- Brazil’s workers strike for the right to quarantine
- Canada Lays Bare the Lie it Calls “Reconciliation”
- Coronavirus is not responsible for the fall of stock prices
- Coronavirus: “We could probably have had a vaccine and/or treatment ready...”
- Covid-19 crisis: give priority to reproduction over production
- Covid-19 opens up a new political period in Italy
- Covid-19 pandemic: let’s protect our lives not their profits!
- Ecuador after the October strike
- Eight theses on Covid-19
- Epidemics, working-class self-organization and socialism
- Feminists, internationalists, anticapitalists
- From the crisis of progressivism to the progress of the crisis
- Household and care workers, forgotten in the Covid-19 crisis
- How not to go crazy in lockdown
- International Women’s Day in Mexico
- Ireland nationalizes hospitals – “It can be done”
- Italy in confinement, working classes suffering
- Mercedes Benz: peoples’ lives are worth more than profits
- Neither Washington Nor Beijing: Socialists, Inter-Imperial Rivalry, and Hong Kong
- On the Delhi Pogrom
- Oshawa Could be the Engine of a Green New Deal in Canada
- Popular revolt, feminist mass strikes, and Covid-19 in Chile
- Refugees held hostage to war-mongers and nationalisms
- Right to strike “confined” in France
- Self-isolation and class consciousness
- Separating the man from the work?
- South African union demands action on Covid-19
- The Capitalist Pandemic, Coronavirus and the Economic Crisis
- The meeting between Conte, Confindustria and the trades unions is a sick joke
- This is a Global Pandemic – Let’s Treat it as Such
- We Need to Learn Lessons From Labour’s “Antisemitism Crisis”
- Why is Biden Winning?
- “The bell is tolling” on Heathrow expansion
IV543 - April 2020
- Bolsonaro’s necropolitical solution
- Call of the indigenous peoples, afro-descendants and peoples organizations of Latin America.
- Government proceeds with the automatic regularisation of migrants and refugees with pending residency applications
- Thanks, Bernie!
- "We need to invent a collective re-appropriation"
- A Crisis of Vast Unknowns
- Against the crisis: The crisis is not an opportunity, it’s the enemy
- Bosses order end to lockdown, government obeys
- Car manufacturer PSA backs down under pressure from employees
- Class and Race Inequality, Health, and COVID-19
- Coronavirus in the Netherlands
- Coronavirus: a month of pandemic in the Indian subcontinent
- Covid 19: Greek government boasts hide reality
- Covid-19 attacks the down-and-out in ultra-unequal South Africa
- Covid-19 in Sweden: “We are suffering the full extent of our broken healthcare system”
- COVID-19 in the Age of Bolsonaro
- Covid-19, capitalism and the end of normality
- Covid-19: the ecological dimension
- Danish government reopens schools, immigrants left out
- Economic crisis only because of the Corona pandemic?
- European Union: economic response to health crisis is a new disappointment
- Faced with the Covid-19 pandemic, our lives are worth more than their profits
- Fighting COVID-19: Why and How to Suspend Debt Repayment Immediately
- Germany and Austria: the good European pupils of the Covid-19 crisis?
- Germany “more determined” v. coronavirus than U.S., but not out of the woods
- Governance and Social Conflict in a Time of Pandemic
- How China contained Covid-19 and the dangerous world to come
- How South Korea flattened the curve, and who pays the bill
- In Belgium too, the virus strips away the mask
- Ireland flattens the curve, but socialist policies needed
- Lashed by the Storm
- Let’s build the transition to ecosocialism now!
- Lift the blockade against Cuba to strengthen the fight against Covid 19
- Murder by Sanctions
- On Social Reproduction and the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Pandemic lays bare Israel’s systemic racism
- Pandemic, capitalism and climate
- Putin’s Virus Moment
- Sex work, Covid-19 and the UK lockdown
- Slovakia: panic and discipline at the edge of the EU
- Solidarity in the red zone
- Statement of Feminists and Women’s Rights Organizations from the Global South and marginalized communities in the Global North
- Swiss government rejects confinement and relies on “individual responsibility”
- The Corona Virus Pandemic and Past Pandemics
- The Coronavirus Strikes and their Significance, So Far
- The Pandemic Coronavirus COVID-19 and Disabled People
- The political instrumentalization of the Covid-19 crisis in Egypt
- The real epidemics are social inequality and capitalist globalisation
- The Triple Crisis – A Conversion Strategy From the Shop Floor
- This Changes Everything
- To confront capitalism’s multifaceted crisis the bankers must be expropriated and the banks socialised
- Towards social crisis in Italy
- Turkey’s Newest Tiny Foreign Enemy to Unite the Nation
- Viktor Orbán is Using the Coronavirus Emergency to Crush Minorities
- When Oil Markets Go Viral
- Windows, balconies and terraces for the public health service
- Workers Are More Valuable Than CEOs
- “Bordeaux En Luttes” 11.7% for an anticapitalist programme
- “The Coronavirus pandemic is part of a multidimensional crisis of capitalism”
- “The health emergency could possibly end up having total control over our lives“
- “To fight the Coronavirus is to fight capitalism!”
IV544 - May 2020
- A trade union in lockdown
- From Invisible to Essential: Worker Struggle in the COVID Pandemic
- "This would be tantamount to a de facto ban on abortion".
- A report on a social climate change action in West Africa
- Big Protest in Hong Kong Greeted the News about Tabling National Security Law
- Choosing between life or Capital in Latin America:
- Class Struggle and Social Protest in the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Covid-19: Likely financial conflagrations to come
- Dangerous times in the USA
- Don’t despair, organise!
- EcoSocialist Internationalism Now!
- Fight like a nurse, facing off with Bolsonaristas in Brasilia
- For lessons in protest during the pandemic, look to Latin America
- For the cancellation of debts and dropping of the “free trade” agreements
- Gripezinha – the little flu: neofascist Bolsonaro in the face of the pandemic
- Health from Below in a Global Pandemic
- Historical Lessons of the Syrian Revolution
- Holding Covid-19 at bay in Venezuela
- Hong Kong after the uprising
- In France, facing the coronavirus: lies, incompetence and social reaction
- Jair Bolsonaro is a threat to Brazil and global health
- Johnson government forced to U turn on NHS and schools
- Medics, health workers protest ‘non-provision’ of PPE in Lahore
- Pandemic and Oil Crisis Could Make Second Arab Spring Return With a Vengeance
- Phase 2: the capitalists want everything
- PRT Mexico: Our lives are worth more than your profits
- Reimagining the Frontline from Heaven’s Edge
- Response Forced Doctors Onto a Hunger Strike
- Singapore: epidemic, racism and class struggle
- Socially Necessary Work
- Statement by Anticapitalistas on leaving Podemos
- The Assassination of Arif Wazir: The Struggle Will Continue!
- The coronavirus and the coming crises in Morocco
- The COVID-19 Crisis and the End of the “Low-skilled” Worker
- The Necropolitics of Heroism
- The viral emergency in Palestine
- The Virus Is Color Blind, Humans Are Not
- The “extremely risky gamble” of reopening schools in Switzerland
- The “resumption” of all the dangers in National Education
- Travis Watkins: Fighting General Motors Amid the COVID Pandemic
- Trump Will Sacrifice Tens of Thousands to Reopen Economy, Win Reelection
- Unionism’s silent shift on the pandemic: Not consensus - simple survival!
- We are not all in the same boat
- We Can’t Breathe: Rebellion against Racist Police Violence
- When Bootlicking Overrides Fighting Epidemic
- Women’s labour and C-19
- “Look at Chile to understand the kind of world they want us to live in”
- “Only an anti-systemic revolution, breaking with the iron laws of capitalism can open the way for a new society”
- “This constant search for increased productivity will promote the spread of the virus”.
- “We organize to remake our lives”
IV545 - June 2020
IV546 - July 2020
IV547 - August 2020
IV548 - September 2020
IV549 - October 2020
IV550 - November 2020
IV551 - December 2020
IV552 - January 2021
- An Unfinished Epoch of Revolution
- Parliamentary elections – Results and prospects
- Post-Election 2020: A Crisis of Representation
- Western Sahara: A forgotten war
- 2021 begins with a new National Assembly. Will it lead to advances?
- After the Pandemic Subsides, We May See a Third Wave of the Arab Spring
- An illusion of election
- Bolsonaro is breaking the country: 200,000 dead, unemployment and poverty
- First as tragedy, then as farce? AUR and the long shadow of fascism in Romania
- Five Things we have Learnt from the National Education Union’s Mobilisation to Keep Schools Safe.
- Grand Theft Election?
- Hong Kong’s mass arrests are an assault on grassroots advocacy
- If Joe Biden Moves Left, You Can Thank the Left
- Less flag waving, more rights
- Mass protests calling for Navalny’s release on 23 January, set to continue
- Massive repression of the demonstration against class and racist justice
- Nationalism and patriotism: the opium of the masses
- Navalny’s Return and Left Strategy
- New Challenges for African Americans
- Repeal the Farm Acts
- Rising Up Against Corruption
- State Racism, Islamophobia & Religious Fundamentalism
- The 2019 Uprising Produces an Electoral Opening Toward the Left
- The Dutch Government’s Benefits Scandal Is Rooted in Stigma Against Welfare Recipients
- The Freedom Struggle Is a Labor Struggle, Then & Now
- The People’s Fight Continues
- The Return of Democracy and an Uncertain Future
- Towards a Year of Crisis and Uncertainty
- Why the Dutch Socialist Party Is in Crisis
- Workers of the World: Growth, Change, and Rebellion
- World Faces Covid-19 “Vaccine Apartheid”
- ‘We’re witnessing a fundamental political realignment’
- “Too late to be pessimist! Ecosocialism or collapse”
IV553 - February 2021
IV554 - March 2021
- 8 March: all on strike!
- A new stage in the fight against the military order – the resistance calls for solidarity!
- Against the neoliberal, authoritarian and racist policies of this government: take to the streets!
- Anti*Capitalist Resistance (ACR) – a new political regroupment
- Bolivia’s coup plotters in jail as elections loom
- Broad response to the neoliberal authoritarianism of the right-wing government
- Clapham Bandstand: the birth of a new women’s movement?
- Corporate giants censor the internet and control the news
- Don’t let Dimitris Koufodinas die!
- In Honour of International Women’s Day
- International Women’s Day is celebrated on the initiative of 12 organizations
- Italy’s Amazon Strike Shows How Workers Across the Supply Chain Can Unite
- Kurdish spring defies Erdogan
- Lula’s convictions quashed,- a bolt in Brazil’s not-so-blue sky
- March 8, 2021 – Manifesto by fAKTIV
- Myanmar Workers and Unions on the Front Lines in Fight Against Coup
- On COVID and the Plague of Capital
- Puerto Rico’s Multi-layered Crisis
- Statement Women’s March Tokyo 2021 Organizing Committee
- The authoritarian liberalism of President Macky Sall
- The Belarusian Revolution: Lessons, Perspectives and Tactics of the Radical Left
- The Historical Significance of the 2019 Hong Kong Resistance Movement
- The Netherlands shifts right, again
- The Paris Commune of 1871
- The shipwreck of the Central African Republic...
- Transition, Trauma, and Troubled Times
- Violence Against Women in Indonesia Is Systemic and the Government Is Not Doing Enough to Unravel It: Rights Activists
- Women farmers are at Delhi borders as equal stakeholders, demanding a voice
- “The Commune is an ode to emancipation, which crosses time”
- “They were all the more monstrous because they were women, they transgressed everything”
- “When it comes to social justice, economic and social changes, real reforms, we’ve seen nothing”
IV555 - April 2021
IV556 - May 2021
IV557 - June 2021
IV558 - July 2021
IV559 - August 2021
IV560 - September 2021
IV561 - October 2021
IV562 - November 2021
IV563 - December 2021
IV564 - January 2022
IV565 - February 2022
IV566 - March 2022
IV567 - April 2022
- Sri Lanka: No agreement with the IMF!
- Turkish diplomacy, Nato and the left
- Against Russian Imperialism
- Almost 20% of children are in paid work in Brazil
- Black Workers Sue Tesla Over Systemic Racism
- Candle Light to Be Rekindled in South Korea with the Oppressed People’s Power
- Collapse on the right, threat from the far right, hope for an alternative on the left.
- Durban’s latest Rain Bomb kills more than 300 and unveils state climate sloth
- Fighting for Ukrainian Self-Determination
- FNAC Switzerland: smile, you’ll get a pay rise!
- Imperial Legacy: Putin and Grand Russian Nationalism
- Invisibilities, Visibilities, and Liberation
- IPCC WG3 report: from scientific rigor to social fable
- Mobilization continues in Sudan
- North Korea’s ICBM Strategy under the Current Situation of Ukraine
- Opportunism behind Imran Khan’s anti-Americanism
- Putin is not only waging war on Ukraine, he is also destroying Russian society
- Railway sabotage in Belarus: railway workers in action
- Russia and Ukraine: A Stalemate? A Turning Point?
- Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Interview with a Volunteer from the Kiev Territorial Defense
- Step-by-step and systematic Chinese inhumane policies for ethnic eradication
- The Ukrainian invasion: Implications for Putin’s power
- Trump, Trumpism, and the Great Backlash
- Ukrainian socialist: ‘The future of demilitarisation lies in stopping Russia’s war machine now’
- Workers’ Struggle to Organize Amazon Faces Challenges
- Works council elections in Germany reveal an upheaval
- “Everything is falling apart. Because of Putin’s aggression!”
- “In Switzerland, being a union member is almost like having the plague”
- “There are common features between historical fascism and the far right”
IV568 - May 2022
IV569 - June 2022
IV570 - July 2022
IV571 - August 2022
IV572 - September 2022
IV573 - October 2022
IV574 - November 2022
IV575 - December 2022
IV576 - January 2023
IV577 - February 2023
IV578 - March 2023
IV579 - April 2023
IV580 - May 2023
IV581 - June 2023
IV582 - July 2023
IV583 - August 2023
- Marxism and the U.S. Response to the HIV/AIDS and COVID-19 Pandemics
- The politics of degrowth - Technology, ideology, and the fight for eco-socialism
- BRICS: getting bigger, but is it any stronger?
- Chinese Feminists Face Paradoxical State Policies
- Climate Change, Record Temperatures, and Human Fatalities
- Death, Abuse and Super-exploitation of Children on Rise
- Environmental activist takes on Australian mining company
- Grain is the key, sweep away everything else
- How Javier Milei upset Argentina’s political status quo
- In Africa, focus on the forests
- I’m a Ukrainian leftist. This is why I support Boris Kagarlitsky
- North Korea’s chronic food shortages exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic
- Oil refinery trade union leaders arrested in Belarus
- Our Era of Mass Uprisings
- Palestine and Empire
- Popular Protest and Labor Insurgency in Iran
- Rubiales’ kiss creates political storm
- Striking Writers and Actors Hold the Line Against Tech Slicing and Dicing
- The Fight Over Israel’s Judicial Reform Neglects Palestinian Rights
- The IMF deal and its critics
- The populist right is on the rise in Germany too
- Transforming Politics from the Left – A new Left party Transform
- UAW Mobilizing, Contract Deadlines Nearing
- Unbridled exploitation in the digital sector
- We Oppose McCarthyism and Apologizing for China
- Yes to Life, Yes to Yasuní!
- Yes to Refugees/No to Fascists and Racists
- “Indigenous peoples cannot continue to carry capitalist development on our shoulders”
- “Left Bloc: ‘We provide a solid political reference point to the workers and social movements’ ”
- ”Indigenous communities are leading the struggle in Jujuy”
IV584 - September 2023
- Russia Policing and Repression Prisons The Persecution of Azat Miftakhov Is Designed to Silence Russia’s Left
- A breath of the 2011 resistance in Syrian protest movement,
- A chain of disasters in Libya
- A Missed Opportunity? A Closer Look at the Teamster-UPS Agreement
- A Revolutionary Experience. Chile 1970-1973
- After the primaries, the elections
- AMLO’s Mexico: Fourth Transformation?
- Anti-imperialism of fools: The case of Imran Khan
- Auto Workers Strike All of the Big Three Companies for the First Time
- Did India really win its independence through non-violence?
- Electric Vehicle Factories Are Overwhelmingly Nonunion. The UAW Strike Could Change That.
- Imperialism(s) and the New Cold War
- In Greece, megaracists fan the flames of megafires
- In Niger, neither generals nor ECOWAS
- Labour, protests, and state capitalism in Belarus, three years on
- Mindanao: Desperate situation of non-Moro indigenous peoples
- One year after the murder of Jina Mahsa Amini and the “Woman, Life, Freedom” uprising
- Palestine: thirty years after Oslo, accords benefit Israel
- Report from the Fourth International’s Revolutionary Youth Camp
- Resisting Russian Imperialism: 2 Socialists—a Ukrainian and a Russian—on Ukraine’s Struggle for Self-Determination
- State of Georgia Indicts 61 Activists as Part of an Anarchist Criminal Conspiracy
- Sudan’s huge tragedy and the way out
- The end of a dynasty
- The Inherited “Results” of the Imperial Japanese Army’s Experiments on Human Beings
- Three deaths at work per day on average
- Trump Faces Four Trials, Uses Charges Against Him to Fuel Campaign
- Venezuelan immigrants win victory
- We do not need "great symbols of authority" with double standards: expel patriarchal behavior and harassment from our social movements!
- “It feels like the apocalypse”
- “The world needs to be aware that human rights are being trampled on in Nicaragua”
IV585 - October 2023
IV586 - November 2023
- Faced with the new “republican arc”, we need more than ever to unite our class
- Catastrophe in Palestine and Israel: Apartheid on the Road to Genocide
- 1973-2023, the Athens Polytechnic students’ revolt “is not a museum piece”!
- A fraught election in Madagascar
- Auto Workers Strike Wins Victory that Could Transform the U.S. Labor Movement
- Campaigning to end Violence against Women
- Far-right electoral victory in the Netherlands
- Generals’ criminal game in Sudan
- Hundreds sentenced in the maxi-trial of the ’Ndrangheta, the Calabrian mafia
- In Portugal, absolute majorities are also falling
- Is Milei a fascist threat?
- Macron on the side of the Chadian dictatorship
- Marrakesh: contributing to a political dynamic against imperialist institutions
- Memorandum of shame: more camps and pogroms
- Migrants, Italy’s “state protection” and Ursula Von Der Leyen’s 10 points
- Netanyahu will have to pay the price for hubris
- Political labyrinth in Spanish state
- Protestors’ Demands for a Ceasefire, End to Support for Israel, Shake American Institutions
- State Elections in Germany bring further losses to the Left and upticks for the Far Right
- The Left is Underestimating the Danger of the Extreme Right
- The noose tightens in Sudan
- The war in Gaza and the Germany’s “raison d’état”
- Two Victories: One for Women, One for Workers
- U.S. Labor and the Israel-Gaza War
- Ukrainian Activists Declare Solidarity With Palestine
- Ukrainian Letter of Solidarity with Palestinian people
- Unprecedented humanitarian crisis amidst imperialist intervention and counter-revolutionary revenge in Yemen
- West Bank: faced with attacks by the Israeli army and settlers, fear, despair and anger among Palestinians
- “For an independent PSOL”
- “We need to consolidate the path of democratization”
IV587 - December 2023
IV588 - January 2024
IV589 - February 2024
IV590 - March 2024
IV591 - April 2024
- "Tehran found itself backed into a corner by the attack on its consulate."
- A year and a half of right-wing rule
- Earth Day in Palestine
- European elections: a radical, unitary and democratic left for a real alternative
- Kurds under attack on all fronts
- A dynastic dictatorship in Togo
- Auto Workers Union Wins Historic Victory at VW in Tennessee
- Defeat the BJP, rely on the strength of workers, poor peasants, and all the oppressed social , ethnic, regional groups of people
- Desire for change in Senegal
- Ecuador: Indigenous Resistance and Political Challenges – an interview with Leonidas Iza
- Ecuador’s Indigenous movement calls for an international movement against extractive industries
- Evaporating Solidarity: The Response to Displacement Cannot Be Sustained by Empathy Alone
- Feminist Movements in Pakistan: Challenges and Struggles
- France was the “main accelerator of the genocidal process” in Rwanda
- Global crisis, conflict and war: what internationalism for the 21st century?
- Historic victory for the “Aînées pour le climat”
- Israeli Attack on World Central Kitchen: Biden Takes Harder Line, U.S. Support for Israel’s War Continues, So Do Protests
- Left advance faces lawfare challenge
- Meloni’s government censors anti fascism
- Palestine’s fate in light of the onslaught on Gaza
- Philippe Poutou to be candidate in Belgium for “Anticapitalistes” list in European elections
- Political Earthquake: A Double Victory for the Peoples of Turkey
- Pro-Palestine Student Protests Spread Despite Repression
- Remembering the Carnation revolution
- Republican Attacks on Abortion Help Biden Campaign, But Will that be Enough Given Reaction to His Position on Israel?
- Terrorist Attack and Election Pave Way for Putin to Intensify Repression and War
- The Anticapitalist Left presents a list for the European elections with Philippe Poutou
- What happens next after the successful strike against poverty in Greece?
- “Germany Canceled Me for Supporting Palestine”
- “If we didn’t join the armed forces, the left in Ukraine would cease to exist,” says Taras Bilous
IV592 - May 2024
- Argentina at the rendezvous with its history
- G7: Whether or not to maintain the suspension of Ukrainian debt payments
- Six takeaways from the local and mayoral elections
- A look back at the doctors’ strike in Kenya
- A New Alliance Could Change Puerto Rican Politics
- Amidst Violent Attacks, Pro-Palestine Protests Go On, Disrupting Graduation Ceremonies
- Auto Workers’ Loss at Mercedes-Benz Slows the UAW Organizing Drive, but Won’t Stop It
- Capitalism carries war and authoritarianism like the cloud carries the storm...
- Chaos Here and There
- Crisis in Mali - the position of the radical left
- Deceptive elections in Chad
- Ecosocialism to change everything – the Sixth International Ecosocialist Conference
- European Union: “One foot in the institutions, a hundred feet in the street”
- Euskal Herria: a new victory for EH Bildu
- From civil war to active support for Gaza in Yemen
- General Election 2024: End the Tyranny of Conservative Rule
- International youth camp
- Kanaky – put a stop (really) to the time of colonies!
- No borders, no nations, no deportations
- Palestine Solidarity Student Movement in the USA: An Overview
- Rafah and El Fasher: Genocidal War and Duty of Solidarity
- Rwanda as the European Union’s deputy in Africa
- The imperative of peace in Mali
- The mullahs weakened, the people’s struggle continues
- The Pylos disaster on trial
- The resistible rise of the far right in Europe
- The U.S. Supreme Court: Reaction, Corruption, Disgrace, Public Repudiation
- The “Antisemitism” Smear Weaponized
- To foreign politicians - justice for Ukrainian workers!
- Towards a return to dictatorship in Tunisia?
IV593 - June 2024
IV594 - July 2024
IV595 - August 2024
IV596-September 2024
IV597 - October 2024
IV598 - November 2024
IV599 - December 2024
- Reading for the New Year
- Why did Assad fall?
- New in Features
- Features and a review
- In features
- An obituary and some book reviews
- Our history
- Our Marxism, our history
- China; Marx and degrowth; new organization in South Africa.
- Reviews.
- Obituaries and review
- Obituary and war in Ukraine.
- Chile - 50 years on
- A centenary year
- Debates, reviews...
- Obituary and other features
- Tributes
- New features and review. Tributes to Marijke Colle
- Obituary
- Our history
- New features
- Two important contributions on feminism in Senegal and USA, and obituaries
- International Women’s Day - remembering our history
- Imperialisms and another loss.
- Voices from Ukraine and more
- Ukraine and Europe, an obituary, food crisis and climate debt
- Ukraine, Obituary
- China, women in Iran, and tributes
- Revolutionary internationalism in words and deeds
- Geopolitical considerations, and tributes
- Interpreting revolutionary history and considerations on the war in Ukraine.
- Debating the war in Ukraine, Hong Kong three years on
- Reviews and ongoing Ukraine war
- Ongoing war in Ukraine
- More on Ukraine
- War, Ukraine, Russia, imperialism and tributes
- Tributes to Alain Krivine and reviews
- Building the anti-war movement
- Alain Krivine 1941-2022
- Feminist theory
- Theory, tributes and reviews
- Left history in Hong Kong, Russia, Italy, globalization and a tribute to Daniel Bensaïd.
- Reading for the holiday season
- Views on imperialism and reflections on the Paris Commune
- Features and Reviews
- Tribute to Trotskyist resistants and reviews
- Rosa Luxemburg, Ireland, Liberation Theology and Greece.
- Two tributes and a strategic discussion
- Socialist strategies
- Figures from our history and reviews
- Permanent Revolution, Palestine, Michel Husson
- Reviews, the theory of Permanent Revolution and more
- Important new features
- Past and present
- “Exceptional” and “indispensable”
- Elsewhere in International Viewpoint
- 75th anniversary of Daniel Bensaïd’s birth
- For International Women’s Day
- Remembering our comrades
- Was it a coup? Events at the Capitol
- Holiday reading
- Engels, Beethoven...
- Elsewhere in International Viewpoint
- Climate, China, Fourth International
- New Features and Reviews
- Reviews and features
- On the 80th anniversary of Trotsky’s death
- Marxism in economy, feminism and books
- What will a new world look like?
- Twenty-five years after Ernest Mandel’s death
- Marxism and more Marxism
- Our Solidarity with the Worldwide Anti-Racist Revolt
- Elsewhere in the magazine
- What comes next ?
- More on the pandemic in features
- Solidarity with Cuba and new features
- “Let’s build the transition to ecosocialism now!” New statement by Fourth International
- Fourth International European Statement
- Fighters and militants hit by Covid-19
- Coronavirus pandemic continues
- Coronavirus pandemic
- Feminism: theory and practice
- Remembering comrade Lal Khan
- Our history
- Ernest Mandel on the Holocaust
- Our history and new reviews
- Marxism: history and new relevance
- Summer reading suggestions!
- The struggle for women’s liberation - and more
- Environmental crisis and much more besides
- Celebrating International Women’s Day
- A panoply of new articles
- A bonanza of articles
- Free time over the holidays?
- New features and reviews
- Internationalism
- The anniversary of the founding of Fourth International - and much more
- A wealth of international coverage in our features section
- Marxism – always relevant
- Reflecting on 1968
- Fifty years after 1968 - more added
- New in our Features section
- New in our Features section
- Help IVP, Build the Fourth International!
- An obituary, reviews on Palestine, echoes of the Russian revolution
- For International Women’s Day
- New in our Features section
- Sexual politics, the crisis in the Spanish state.
- Celebrating the aniversary of the Russian Revolution and more
- More on Venezuela
- More on Venezuela in debate - and a couple of reviews to boot
- Venezuela in debate
- New news item
- Pre-Congress discussion: 17th World Congress
- New in our features section
- New reviews and features
- Features, Reviews
- Understanding the Colombian peace process
- New experiences from Italy.
- New articles galore:
- New in our features section
- Debating Europe and the expropriation of feminist language by the global elites
- See our Features section
- A bonanza in our reviews section:
- Understanding Islamic State
- A panoply of reviews for holiday reading
- Let us mobilise against dictatorships, imperialist aggression and Daesh. We reject the politics of “national security”, racism and austerity
- “Daniel Bensaïd fought to the end against a system that knows no bounds in brutality”
- Imperialism today in Africa
- In the run up to the Paris COP 21
- Lessons from Greece
- “John Percy, revolutionary party builder”
- Features and Reviews
- Organising for change in today’s conditions
- Capitalism and Gender
- Environment: The foundations of revolutionary eco-socialism
- Three major articles on Russia and some book reviews
- “We Are Alive”
- Celebrating International Womens Day, discussing the national question and exploring class
- New reviews and feature
- Women’s right to control their own bodies - an ongoing struggle
- History of the Fourth International
- New features and a review
- The discussion on Ukraine
- New features and a review
- A miscellany to end the month
- Sexual politics
- New reviews and feature
- New review and features
- New review and features
- New review and features
- Two takes on inequality
- Book reviews, Bretton Woods and ’banks too big to fail’
- Banks "too big to jail"
- A miscellany to end the month
- News from the USA
- Book reviews and Bretton Woods
- Autobiographies and economic history
- Our history
- From our archives: “We are the heirs of May 68”
- Features on feminism and book reviews
- New news item
- On the Syrian revolution
- In our books section
- New articles on debates in feminism
- New features for International Women’s Day
- New in our books section
- Our history
- On Books and Theory
- More in our Sexual politics section
- New in our book review section
- Socialist feminism
- New reviews, debate, features
- Our history
- Banks versus the People!
- More in our sexual politics section
- New Beginnings in Italy
- Three new book reviews
- From the archives
- Jean-Michel Krivine
- Population and environment
- New parties of the left - developments in Britain.
- New parties of left
- Understanding Syria
- The USA’s strategy towards Asia
- Debates for the left
- International Women’s Day
- Banks versus the People!
- New news item
- Rape protests in India
- Women’s right to control their own bodies.
- “China’s Rise – Strength and Fragility”
- A Plea for an Ecological Reconstruction of Marxism
- Understanding Greece
- Peace agreement in the Philippines
- Whither Greece?
- In Features -
- Women in the indignad@s movement.
- The lessons and implications of the Greek elections
- The future of the workers of Europe is being decided in Greece:
- Building new parties of the left.
- Looking at the crisis
- “The Left against Debt-tatorship”
- In our features section
- New book reviews
- A reflection on the “Occupy” movement in the USA.
- New book reviews
- In our Features section
- In our Features section
- “Imperialism, the Arab Spring, and the crisis”
- Syria
- In our Features section
- "Lenin", Charlie Post reviews Lars Lih’s new book.
- The debt crisis in the European Union
- What is the Red-Green Alliance in Denmark?
- Libya “a thoroughgoing popular revolution”
- After Gaddafi
- Evaluating what is happening in Libya.
- Libya: Popular rebellion and imperialist desgns
- What’s happening in Libya?
- Book reviews
- Daniel Bensaid archive section
- Michael Löwy on Rosa Luxemburg
- Debate
- Continuing debate on Libya
- Marxism and religion.
- SAP (Denmark) on the RGA position on Libya
- New on Libya
- New debate opened
- New Reviews
- Resolutions of the FI International Committee, February 2006
- Aid to Pakistan
- September pdf file
- July/August issue Pdf file
- Ernest Mandel Archive site opens
- Pdf file of June issue
- Download May issue in pdf format
- A Russian socialist faces imprisonment! Solidarity needed!
- Academics for Peace: Urgent Call for Solidarity
- Alam Bachchu, landless leader, attacked and gravely wounded – Call for solidarity
- Awami Workers Party rejects sending Pakistani troops or any other aid to support Saudi Arabia
- Build a social bloc capable of leading the country
- CADTM rejoices in the united anti-fascist mobilization in Athens on 7 October 2020 and the judgement against the neo-nazi Golden Dawn party
- Declaration For a Democratic Rebellion in Europe
- Defend Polish women’s abortion rights!
- Denise Comanne 1949-2010
- For a general mobilization to beat Macron by voting NUPES
- French Communist League Reaffirms Solidarity with Cuba
- In support to the victims of the 2013 Rana Plaza disasters – A Sewing Machine Can Change the Fate of One Affected Garment Workers
- International campaign of struggles: Peoples of the World against the Commodification of Nature
- International solidarity against authoritarian restoration!
- Labour Party Pakistan dissolved, will be part of the Awami Workers Party
- NSSP dedicated to stand for freedom and dignity
- OKDE–Spartakos statement on the upcoming elections
- Posle on mobilization: what to expect and what is to be done
- Protests to continue if social media activists are not released
- Religious institutions mobilised for a smear campaign against Baba Jan and his party
- Right wing wins, Marisa achieves historic result
- Solidarity with our comrade Jawad Mustaqbal
- Strike at the Antolin plant in St. Petersburg - UPDATE
- The Democratic Left Front Salutes the Numsa Special National Congress
- Toba Tek Singh water movement launched
- Western Complicity in Apartheid Israel’s Brutal Violence Heightens Palestinian Resistance & International Solidarity
- Worker families in dire need of aid - Emergency Announcement : Urgent call for financial solidarity
- “System change, not climate change” – International conference
- "Asymmetric Threat" for people and the environment is the capitalist development as shown by disastrous fires
- "If they don’t let us dream, we won’t let them sleep!"
- "No APEC People’s Forum"
- "Our comrade Bala is no more”
- "Teachers killed" in Oaxaca police attack, says union
- "What I actually said to Le Figaro regarding the headscarf"
- ’Space shrinking for progressive women in Pakistan’
- 1 November 2014, Global Rally, against ISIS – for Kobanê – for Humanity!
- 120 attend Gramsci conference
- 14th Congress of the PSR
- 15,000 demand climate change action
- 15M - National Education Strike in Brazil
- 17 October 1961 - 17 October 2021
- 22nd International Revolutionary Youth Camp
- 22nd International Revolutionary Youth Camp held
- 29 Arrested in Anti-G8 Protest in Edinburgh
- 38 Syriza MPs reject the agreement
- 40,000 march in Europe for Tamil self-determination
- 4000 join climate protest in Belgium
- 50 000 in anti-war demo
- 50,000 Chileans March for LGBT Rights
- 560 attend 25th youth camp
- 595 women cleaners of the Greek Ministry of Finance call for solidarity with their struggle for life and dignity
- 62% oppose martial law extension in Mindanao
- 99% stand for Climate: Our Planet, not your Business!
- A Brief Report of Labour Relief Campaign Pakistan for ESSF
- A call for international solidarity with the marginalized people and regions in Tunisia
- A call for support – Major Earthquake in Nepal has Caused Great Suffering and Destruction
- A call for trade union solidarity : Stand with Palestinian workers in Gaza
- A commune that wants to stay on the left
- A contribution to the history of the Fourth International
- A Draw for Ford but a Victory for All
- A human tide of indignation, but huge governmental manipulation in the name of national unity
- A Left "No"
- A new generation to build a new Europe!
- A plan for International Women’s Day
- A press conference that went ahead
- A rejection of the liberal policies at the local and national level
- A successful first step of the defense campaign – Supreme Court decision adjourned
- A Warm Start to the Year
- Act now! An Urgent call from Gaza civil society
- Admin workers in Cairo hospital strike against corruption
- Africa at the heart of the debates
- After 3 months of strike, Hauts-de-Seine postal workers need a maximum of support
- After defeating the right, let’s demand what’s ours
- After the ’No’ vote in France and in Holland
- After the drama of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine: anger, solidarity, rejection of amalgams
- After the dreadful attack on Charlie Hebdo national unity is a trap: let’s unite for democracy and solidarity against racism
- After the horror in Nice, reject the logic of war
- Against Half-Solidarity and False Pacifism
- Against imperialist intervention and in defence of the Bolivarian revolution
- Against Macron and the far right, unity across the social and political left
- Against male violence against women we have a Plan!
- Against militarization and for human rights in Mexico
- Against NATO and Russian military escalation in Eastern Europe
- Against police repression in Sri Lanka
- Against the coup intervention in Venezuela!
- Against the repression of the democratic movement
- Against ‘Valeurs actuelles’ rubbish and its supporters, solidarity with Daniele Obono!
- Aid convoy to Calais turned back
- Aisha Amin: peace hero
- Al-Mounadil/ah Newspaper threatened with suspension, and its website with closure: No to stifling the freedom of expression!
- Al-Qassam are not terrorists: open the Rafah crossing and lift the siege of Gaza!
- ALERT: Baba Jan abducted from jail by state agents!!!
- Alexei Navalny Killed in Prison
- Ali Wazeer detention: Uproar in the National Assembly – Need for international solidarity
- Amnesty Now
- An Appeal to the international labour community from the workers of DITA factory, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- An urgent appeal for financial solidarity
- An Urgent Appeal from Feminists Protesting Discrimination and Hatred against LGBTQ+
- An urgent call for international action
- Another Africa is Possible
- Another Attack by Far Right on Christians and Democracy
- Anti-labour law movement enters key stage
- Anticapitalistas statement on electoral fraud
- Anticapitalistas statement on the situation in Catalonia.
- Anticapitalistes support the Referendum Law
- Appeal by strikers at St Petersburg Ford factory
- Appeal for an international day of solidarity with the 595 cleaners of the greek ministry of economics
- Appeal of the Kryvih Rih basin miners to the workers of Europe
- Appeal to defend poisoned workers
- Argentina abortion: Senate approves legalisation in historic decision
- Arrest of Golden Dawn leaders
- Arrest of seven Italian ex-militants: Macron tougher than Sarkozy!
- Arrested Ali Wazeer, top twitter trend, human rights bodies demands a parliamentary commission to probe the killings of 13
- Arrests and censorship: no to the anti-democratic offensive in Egypt!
- Atenco leaders sentenced to 67 years imprisonment
- Athens now! An explosive situation
- Attention! Turkish democracy needs you!
- Autonomous Youth House fights back
- Awami Workers Party condemns brutal attack on trans activist
- Awami Workers Party of Pakistan unveils manifesto for 25 July elections
- Awami Workers’ Party renews call for release of Baba Jan
- AWP "condemns the senseless and merciless slaughter”
- AWP Finance Appeal
- AWP for continuity of democratic process, across-the-board accountability & abolition of article 62, 63
- AWP Joint statement on military operation in Wazirestan
- AWP leads protest against water shortage
- Baba Jan and Iftikhar Hussain are now safely back in Jutial Jail
- Baba Jan released from jail!
- Baba Jan sentenced to life imprisonment along with 11 others – Solidarity needed!
- Baba Jan still not free!
- Baba Jan, imprisoned activist, election candidate
- Babacar, Lukman, Pavlos, your blood will not be forgotten!
- Bahu warns that Northern elections will be under martial law
- Balochistan: We mourn Quetta deaths – On the deadly blast at Civil Hospital against lawyers
- Barbaric and reactionary madness
- Barcelona workers battle closure
- BDS: Repression and Progress
- Belarus Just World Party
- Ben Ali has fled, support the revolution underway!
- Besancenot successfully onto the presidential ballot
- Besancenot Tour Boosts Anti-Capitalist Left Intervention
- Biggest general strike in Portugal’s history
- Birth of a new organization of the revolutionary left
- Bloco promises to be “the most combative opposition to the right”
- Brazil hit by first general strike in two decades
- Breakthrough for RESPECT
- Brick kiln worker revolt against slave labour
- Brick kiln workers strike for higher wages, against bonded labour
- British left condemn the coup
- British media campaign’s response
- Brussels demonstration March 19
- Build a movement in solidarity #WithCatalonia!
- CADTM France calls for debt relief in quake zone
- Call by Antarsya for the demonstration on Friday 4 November
- Call for a European bottom up mobilization, from movements of Greece: 20 - 26 June
- Call for a nationwide strike on Saturday 15 September
- Call for Anti-G8 mobilisation in Rostok
- Call for donations: Support the Fourth International presence online!
- Call for mobilization towards Lima People’s Summit
- Call for solidarity
- Call for solidarity with the Jadrankamen quarry workers in Croatia
- Call for international action on 1 February
- Call of the Anti-War Assembly
- Call to support publishing Livio Maitan’s ’Towards a history of the Fourth International’
- Campaign to stop the execution of rapper and metal worker Toomaj Salehi
- Cancelling the majority of sovereign debt is an overdue necessity
- Catalonia political prisoners trials
- Celebrating the Russian revolution
- Challenges: Democratic rights more than ever under threat in Hong Kong
- Chavez ends WSF with call to transcend capitalism
- China opens first military base in Djibouti
- Chirac and the government eat their words!
- City councilor of the PSOL, murdered in Rio de Janeiro
- Clear Win for Socialists, Left Bloc Takes 8 Seats
- Commemorations of Daniel Bensaid
- Common Statement of the Revolutionary Marxists from Russia and Turkey
- Common statement: Transnational solidarity against racism and war!
- Communique on the adoption of the Catalan Referendum Law
- Concerning the Recent Communal Violence in Bangladesh
- Condemn the attacks on union building in West Bengal! Demand withdrawal of cases against Comrade Pratip Nag and all others
- Condemnation and protest after reactionary fundamentalist forces attacked Hindu religious people in Comilla
- Condemning the institutional murder of Father Stan Swamy
- Contribute to ESSF permanent Solidarity Fund for Asia
- Conviction on All Three Counts in Chauvin Trial, Bail Revoked
- Counter-summit to NATO
- Court allows jailed AWP leader to contest by-polls
- Court imposes punitive fee on socialists
- Covid Emergency in Indonesia: An Urgent Appeal for Donations
- Covid-19: A first victory in France against Amazon
- Crackdown on protesters demanding release of imprisoned peasant leaders Lahore
- Critical Left: freedom for Hugo Blanco
- Curfew cannot stop revolt
- Daily Dawn editorial on GB politics takes up the case of Baba Jan and others
- Daniel Bensaïd website launched
- Daniel Bensaïd: 25 March 1946 - 12 January 2010
- Danish Elections: Tripled support for Red Green Alliance, and a left government
- Dave Packer
- Death of Gerry Foley, first editor of IV
- Declaration of climate caravan
- Declaration of European Anti-Capitalist Left meeting
- Declaration of OKDE-Spartakos for the European Elections on May 2019
- Declaration of the Assembly on Debt
- Declaration of the Ecosocialist International Network before COP20 in Lima, Peru (December 2014)
- Declaration on censorship in Venezuela at the website
- Defence of Baba Jan and his comrades
- Defend DACA and Demand Justice for All Migrants
- Defend Iranian Workers
- Defend Socialists and Environmental Activists in Izhevsk: Demand the politically motivated charges against Dmitriy Tsarenko be dropped!
- Defend the Catalan Republic and open the Constituent Process
- Defending Democracy in the Coyoacán Borough of Mexico City
- Demand freedom for 6 Palestinian prisoners in Palestinian Authority jails on hunger strike
- Demand the release of the prominent feminists from Mainland China
- Demanding Punishment for Killers of Abdul Karim
- Democratise the relief programme
- Demonstrate to halt climate change
- Demonstration in Istanbul for Hande Kader: We want to die of natural causes
- Demonstration more or less banned
- Demonstrations in Iran to protest against poverty and intervention in Syria
- Developing Marxism - Livio Maitan Study Centre to hold first conference
- Dig deep for Global Justice Schools in Manila and Amsterdam
- Dockers refuse to load arms for Saudi Arabia
- Duterte’s ’War on Drugs’ Claims Many Lives
- Earthquake appeal from Pakistani comrades - update and ’how to donate’ details added 11 October
- East Jerusalem’s Issawiya under attack
- Ecosocialists say vote Berry 1, Livingstone 2
- Egypt: crackdown on activists ahead of 25 April protests
- Election outcome means political upheaval
- Electoral breakthrough on the left
- Environmental alert is not a crime! It’s a duty
- Ernest Mandel Symposium
- Espacio Alternativo becomes Izquierda Anticapitalista and decides to stand in European elections
- Espacio Alternativo conference success
- Espacio Alternativo: a congress of redefinition
- Establishment of Awami Workers Party announced
- Esther Vivas convoked by the police following the action against Catalunya Caixa
- EU must hold Turkish president accountable for press violations
- Europe-wide anti-capitalist campaign for European elections takes off
- European antifascist conference in Athens
- European elections: The FN in the lead, PS and UMP rejected, an alternative still has to be built.
- Even Santa Can’t Escape Toxic Smog in China
- Faced with the humanitarian crises in Asia, our annual call for financial solidarity
- Faced with the war escalation: with the Saharawi people, for their right of self-determination and the end of the occupation
- Faced with Trump’s threats: solidarity with Venezuela! No to any imperialist intervention!
- Farooq Tariq arrested
- Farooq Tariq arrested - again!
- Farooq Tariq Released!
- Fascist attack in Paris
- Fascist Attack on Women’s March
- Female Students Occupy Chilean Universities Demanding End to Gender Violence
- FI launches new Spanish language web magazine
- Fifth Convention of the Left Bloc
- Financial update of the 2011 Pakistan Solidarity Campaign
- Following the developing revolutions
- For a democratic and socialist Kazakhstan! Stop the intervention, release the detainees!
- For a European shutdown in solidarity from below against the pandemic
- For a public health service that is universal, secular and free of charge
- For a radical transformation, let’s defeat the right!
- For an amnesty for Corsican activists: Call to demonstrate on September 24, 2016
- For our right to a Legal, Safe and Free Abortion in Argentina!
- For the defence of the Tunisian revolution, solidarity with the general strike of December 13th!
- For the immediate and safe recovery of Salman Haide, disappeared poet and activist
- Four Labour Party leaders killed
- Fourth International statements on Covid-19 pandemic
- Free Baba Jan and all political prisoners!
- Free Boris Kagarlitsky and all other Russian anti-war political prisoners!
- Free public transport in a European capital!
- Free Russian political prisoners !
- Free Somyot Pruksakasemsuk!
- Free the Hirak political prisoners
- Freedom for Haitham Mohamedain - Stop the repression in Egypt
- FREEDOM for our comrade Agadil and STOP the harassment of Moroccan activists
- Freedom for the Zaragoza 6!
- French government steps up drive to criminalize Palestine solidarity
- French Inprecor No 672/673 available in PDF
- French referendum crunch nears
- Full support for the Libyan people’s resistance! Down with Gaddafi! No to imperialist intervention!
- Fund drive off to a flying start
- Fundamental rights under attack
- G8 meanness over the debt
- Gaddafi falls, let the people decide
- Gaddafi out! No to imperialist military intervention!
- Galloway and Bertinotti statements on London bombings
- Garment workers formed human chain demanding arrest of Tazreen Fashion’s owner
- Garment workers‚ symbolic hunger strike held
- Gate Gourmet - a political and industrial challenge
- Gaza - Stop inter-Palestinian fighting
- Gaza offensive: we are all Palestinians!
- George Galloway wins parliamentary seat
- Get the troops out of Iraq
- Gilgit (Pakistan) and the Hunza Five campaign: bail granted to Baba Jan. Solidarity campaign to continue
- Global Compact for Migration does not represent a change in the offensive against migrants and refugees
- Global unions demand release of labour activists
- Globalise Struggle, Globalise Hope!
- Good Books opened by Tariq Ali
- Good Bye Nuclear Power demonstration
- Good news from Gilgit Baltistan
- Gorja - a great victory for textile workers
- Greece tomorrow: one-day general strike in the public and privat sector
- Greek hospital now under workers’ control !
- Haitham Mohamedain released, but charged with “terrorism” against the state
- Hands off Greece, fighting back and resisting
- HDP Demirta?: The Turkish State Has Become Mafia & Serial Killer
- Heavy Defeat for Social Democrats in North Rhine Westphalia
- Hebron Left condemns PA suppression of West Bank protests
- Hello from the occupied hospital in Kilkis
- Help OKDE publishing house and headquarters
- Help promote International Viewpoint!
- Heroes’ welcome in Hunza
- Historic victory for the Swedish dock workers!
- History of the Fourth International
- HKCTU strongly condemns the police crackdown of people’s protest by Hong Kong government
- Hoang Khoa Khoi, 1917-2009
- Hollande and national unity, anger and indignation diverted
- Home of Carolina Iara, PSOL co-councillor in São Paulo, attacked - Investigation now!
- Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU) Strongly Condemns Violent Attacks on Occupy Movement Protesters
- Hong Kong dockworkers call for solidarity
- Hong Kong dockworkers continue struggle
- Huge demonstration against government welfare cuts
- Hugo Blanco’s urgent medical costs
- Hugo Gonzalez Moscoso (1922-2010)
- Hundreds leave Workers Party to join P-SOL
- Hundreds of thousands against authoritarian policies: let’s continue to win
- Hundreds of thousands march against the war
- If we were Venezuelan we would vote for Chavez!
- Immediate release of those arrested!
- In Defence of Democracy
- In defense of the Catalan people
- In Morocco as elsewhere repression won’t stop the revolt against anti-social policies
- in solidarity with the sentenced protesters of the 15th July in Greece
- In the face of electoral theft we demand respect for the people’s vote
- In the face of nationalist consensus and militaristic unreason, we condemn Erdogan’s war on Afrin!
- In the Struggle You’ll Earn Your Rights
- Independent Union Federation joins Tahrir sit-in
- Indonesian feminists: ’Don’t blame the victim!’
- International action day on 10 Dec to protest against Apple and its supplier Foxconn / Zhengzhou
- International Actions Called to Free Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera
- International appeal from Catalonia
- International Call to Struggle and for Solidarity against the Imposition of the Oversight Board (Junta) in Puerto Rico
- International Committee meets
- International declaration for the freedom of Lula and for his democratic rights
- International press astonished by the ’Red Postman’
- International Solidarity campaign for Baba Jan relaunched
- International solidarity in Catalonia
- International Solidarity with SME urgently needed
- International solidarity with workers at Viome needed
- International Viewpoint available in PDF format
- International Viewpoint needs your support
- International Viewpoint now on Facebook
- International Viewpoint now on Twitter!
- ISG statement on the crisis in the SSP
- Islamabad Rally: Hundreds demand release of Baba Jan and his friends from Gilgit Jail
- ISO rebuts SWP (US) charges of anti-Semitism
- Israeli premeditated offensive against Gaza
- It’s not a crime to struggle! End the trial of José Rainha and Claudemir Silva!
- Jailed trade unionists in Pakistan need your support
- Japanese unions organise solidarity
- Jay Naidoo speaks at launch of new trade union federation
- Joint Statement Issued by the Iraqi Trade Unions
- Joint Statement of Solidarity with PTM by Feminist Groups across Pakistan
- Joint Statement: Stop the repression of students in Bangladesh!
- JUNTAS calls for international mobilization against extreme-right
- Justice for Miriam RodrÃguez
- Justice for Nahel
- Ken Loach sends solidarity message to striking French workers
- Ken Loach supports Polish miners
- Labour lawyer Haitham Mohamedain arrested by army
- Labour Party Pakistan helps 4000 rain affected families
- Labour Relief Campaign update
- Labour Relief latest report
- LALIT calls for Diego Garcia military base Inspection by IAEA
- Latest issue of Amandla
- Latest news concerning Baba Jan
- Latin America: a continent in revolt
- LCR back with a bang
- LCR fund drive success!
- LCR Rally Draws 1800
- Left ‘No’ forces must continue fight
- Left Bloc doubles its number of MPs
- Left Bloc wins local representatives
- Left Bloc’s 10th National Convention approves motion and elects national leadership
- Left groups unite
- Left Unity statement on election results
- Let all indignados in all the squares join together
- Leucate: NPA activists protest against the burkini bans
- LFI rejects an agreement with the NPA for the European elections
- LGBT+ Against Islamophobia: Statement on Orlando attacks
- LLP Chairperson Arrested In Islamabad
- London ESF great success
- LPP delegation at Naudero & Larkana
- LPP demonstrators greet Bush
- LPP organises 5000 strong anti-WTO rally
- LPP postpone congress to join the advocates’ movement
- Lula’s victory on October 30 is the Brazilian people’s only chance
- Macron forces through pension reform, step up the mobilization!
- Macron’s contempt is a call to strengthen mobilization
- Macron’s answer: Threats and bread crumbs
- Macron’s re-elected, the struggle continues!
- Major anti-nuclear conference in Japan calls international day of action
- Majority of Syriza CC reject agreement
- Make the Cochabamba gathering a new stage in the fight for an anticapitalist response to climate change
- Malaysia: Police raid at the offices of Bersih 2.0 and arbitrary arrest
- Malaysian Socialist Party 6 released
- Mandel Symposium success
- Marawi solidarity continues
- Marcos: Oaxaca from above - and below
- Marielle presente!
- Marxist school holds successful seminars in Islamabad and Manila
- Mass Strikes Defend Public Sector
- Massive anti-nuclear mobilisations
- Massive peasant conference demands end of feudalism
- Massive turnout against labour law
- Mediterranean Social Forum
- Mega March replies to police violence