Whatever the outcome of the demonstrations we are witnessing, and whether or not you stand with them or against them, it is certain that the grip of terror on the hearts of people across Egypt is slackening and that the wall of fear built by the regime during the last six years is cracking and close to collapse. The departure of Sisi is no longer a distant dream, but nearer than ever before.
Among the right-wing governments, Bolsonaro’s is the one with most neo-fascist features
28 September 2019, byMichael Löwy, the French-Brazilian sociologist and philosopher, has been one of Europe’s most influential Marxists for the past 30 years. In this interview, translated from Portuguese, he discusses Jair Bolsonaro and the global return of the right.
Let’s win back our future: change the system not the climate
26 September 2019, byThe week of mobilization that began on Friday, 20 September is of an historic scale: already more than five thousand events in 156 countries, four million demonstrators. Hundreds of thousands of young people have been coming out of their schools and universities on climate strike for months and are massively present this week, largely responding to the call by Greta Thunberg. There is a new generation rising on all continents to avert the ongoing climate catastrophe.
The millennial generation’s struggle for self-determination
26 September 2019, byOver the last few months, a massive wave of mass struggle emerged in Hong Kong and attracted the world’s attention. We are republishing this interview with Hong Kong socialist Au Loong Yu published by Think Left, which has interviewed local social activists in Hong Kong, in order to allow its readers to have an in-depth understanding on the current political crisis and mass struggles in Hong Kong from a perspective beyond mainstream media.
The New York City Student Climate Strike
25 September 2019, byWhen I got up the morning of the September 20 world-wide student climate strike, I turned on the TV news with my cup of coffee, and saw a huge, spirited and loud demonstration in Melbourne, Australia, held the previous day, which was September 20 there. I was both surprised and inspired.
The Day After Macri’s Downfall
24 September 2019, byArgentina’s recent elections have set the country’s right on the path to defeat. But that won’t immediately put the working class back in the driver’s seat — much greater mobilization is needed for that.
Striking General Motors Workers Aren’t Backing Down
23 September 2019, byNearly 50,000 UAW members are on strike for the third day. For years, they’ve been hit with plant closings, pay cuts, and two-tier contracts — and they aren’t ready to make concessions.
Lexit will not dismantle Fortress Europe
22 September 2019, byClimate strikes across the globe highlight the plight of climate refugees, or “economic migrants” as they are wrongly labelled. The question of migration has been a central one in the British debate on the European Union. We publish a contribution from Labour List.
Why build a global climate strike in Brazil?
21 September 2019, by ,The last four years (between 2015 and 2018) were the hottest years in our history, since temperatures were measured regularly and on a global scale in the year 18001. Global warming is a reality, denied only by those who insist on attacking science. Excessive emissions of gases such as carbon dioxide and methane – mainly from the burning of fossil fuels (oil, gas and coal) and the livestock – intensify the greenhouse effect, a phenomenon of heat retention on Planet Earth.
Pakistan: Capitalism and climate change
20 September 2019, byThe week from September 20 till September 27 has been designated as the week of the ‘Climate Strike’. It is an unprecedented event in its ambition to disrupt business as usual.