“At the same time, we should advocate to those who require such aid complete mistrust in the United States and any imperialist government whatsoever. And we should oppose any form of intervention that would tie their hands and subordinate them to Washington, Moscow, or anyone else.”
Desperado in the White House: Coup Fails, Trump Faces Impeachment
13 January 2021, by Dan La Botz“Our next problem will be Biden and the Democrats’ neoliberalism, but Trump is still the issue for the moment.”
Seven Theses on the Post-Trump Right and DSA’s Role in the Fight Ahead
12 January 2021, by DSA Santa Cruz“Our response must be different. It must emerge from our understanding of how this racist, anti-worker, anti-poor capitalist death machine can actually be overcome. That will require organizing, not lobbying. ”
The Invasion of Capitol Hill
11 January 2021, by Cihan TuğalDecaying Institutions, Rightwing Insurrection, and the Need for a Mass Movement
Trump fanatics invade Capitol as his presidency disintegrates
11 January 2021, by Jeff Mackler“Humanity’s future also rests on the emergence and consolidation of a new and independent Black, Latinx and Native American leadership to champion the struggles of the most oppressed and exploited and establish democratic control of their communities while opening the way to the formation of independent Black and Brown parties in the political arena.”
Capitol (United States): Attempted insurrection fails
10 January 2021, by Barry Sheppard, Malik MiahThe attempted coup to overturn the election in the mass riots and invasion of the Capital Building to prevent Congress counting the Electoral College results, was prepared months in advance.
The Washington Riot Was a Defeat for the Far Right, Not a Triumph
9 January 2021, by Rafael Khachaturian , Stephen MaherThe riot at the Capitol on Wednesday was a symptom of right-wing weakness, not power. The real danger isn’t a MAGA coup, but a restoration of the neoliberal status quo that produced the nightmare of Trump and his minions.
We Cannot Let Yesterday’s Farce Become Tomorrow’s Tragedy
9 January 2021, by Spectre Journal“We can give no support to the bourgeois establishment, the new Biden administration, or their state repression at home and imperial reassertion abroad. Instead, we must rally our forces to build anti-fascist united fronts everywhere to confront the right in large numbers and drive them off the streets, out of workplaces and social organizations.”
Mob takeover of Capitol highlights instability of U.S. political system
8 January 2021, by Socialist Resurgence“Building a powerful, self-motivated movement of working people and their allies is the best weapon against the fascists—who prey on people who are politically demoralized and lack a clear direction.”
Reactionary uprising against the Parliament
8 January 2021, by Kay Mann“Trump found that government control does not give absolute control over the levers of the state.”
- Fred Leplat - Ban cluster bombs – Ukraine is no exception
- Catherine Samary - Against the Russian war of aggression, the urgency of a radically decolonial left
- Gilbert Achcar - For a democratic antiwar position on the invasion of Ukraine
- Christian Zeller, Denys Pilash, Hanna Perekhoda, Ilya Budraitskis, Zakhar Popovych, Zbigniew Marcin Kowalewski - Support Ukrainian Resistance and Disempower Fossil Capital
- Małgorzata Kulbaczewska-Figat , Volodymyr Ishchenko - Why Russia’s Political Capitalists Went to War – and How the War Could End Their Rule
- More articles...
- Gilbert Achcar - Socialist strategy and the party
- Manuel Garí - Radiance and sunset of Podemos - reasons for a farewell
- Julia Camara - Anticapitalist strategy and the question of organization
- Françisco Louçã - Parliamentary action and social struggles - The experience of the Portuguese Left Bloc
- Pierre Rousset - Reflections on the “party question” (expanded version) – an overview
- More articles...
- Ian Angus, John Bellamy Foster - Ecosocialists debate James Hansen’s climate change exit strategy
- Daniel Tanuro - The right’s green awakening
- Alan Thornett - A big step towards the Anthropocene
- Alan Thornett - The ecosocialism debate: a response to Daniel Tanuro
- Anne Hendrixson - Family Planning and the Environment
- More articles...
- Miguel Urbán Crespo - Only the Beginning
- Jakob Schaefer - The EU After Brexit – A Political Crisis or an Insoluble Structural Crisis?
- Catherine Samary - Europe: No “LEXIT” without “Another Europe Possible” - based on struggles in/outside/against the EU
- Kim Moody - Was Brexit a Working-Class Revolt?
- Angela Klein - The Crisis of the European Union and the Left
- More articles...
- Pips Patroons - Fascism, populism and conservatism
- Juan Manggagawa - Duterte is reactionary, counter-revolutionary (to the “EDSA revolution”), but not fascist – On Walden Bello’s definition of a “fascist leader”
- Walden Bello - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte Is a Wildly Popular Fascist – Now what?
- Joseph Daher - Marxism, the Arab Spring, and Islamic fundamentalism
- Dave Renton - Fascism and the far right; twenty years on
- More articles...
- Charles Davis, Ilya Budraitskis - “We should recognize that there are other imperialisms”: A Marxist dissident explains what the left gets wrong about Russia
- Zbigniew Marcin Kowalewski - Russian imperialism
- Kunal Chattopadhyay - Communal fascism and its dangers
- Farooq Tariq - In Pakistan and elsewhere: The new fascisms in the making
- François Sabado - Notes on the "Imperialism and geopolitics" discussion
- More articles...
- Rahila Gupta - Feminism and the soul of secularism
- Sophie in ’t Veld - The rise of Europe’s religious right
- Farooq Sulehria - Three discourses on Political Islam in the Middle East
- Gilbert Achcar - Eleven Theses on the Resurgence of Islamic Fundamentalism
- Islam and the Left - a reply to Salma Yaqoob
- More articles...
- Mauro Gasparini - The March 22 attacks and their shadows
- Pierre Rousset - On “Jihadist” terror: The radical Left after the Brussels attacks - The silence of the sectarian English-language blogosphere and equivocation of the radical Left in France - What’s the right approach?
- Pierre Rousset - After the attacks on Charlie Hebdo and the Hyper Cacher Jewish supermarket: thinking through the new and rethinking the old
- Cinzia Arruzza - Is Solidarity Without Identity Possible?
- United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) - We are NOT Charlie Hebdo!
- More articles...
- Antonis Davanellos - Greece’s radical left after Syriza
- Steve Bloom - Greece, SYRIZA in Power, and the Concept of a "Workers’ Government"
- Sotiris Martalis - Austerity and the drachma
- Mikael Hertoft - What can we learn from Greece?
- Antonis Davanellos, Miguel Urbán Crespo, Olivier Besancenot - Time for an exit from austerity
- More articles...
- Jeff Mackler - Trump’s ‘no fly zone’ escalates U.S. war against Syria
- Jo Magpie - Regaining hope in Rojava
- Phil Hearse, Sarah Parker - Analysing the PKK: a reply to Alex de Jong
- Alex de Jong - A Commune in Rojava?
- Alex de Jong - The New-Old PKK
- More articles...
- Marea Socialista - Letter to the Venezuelan people, to the peoples of Latin America and the world, to the international left
- LUCHAS - All the peoples of the world reject Trump’s threats against Venezuela
- ??"We congratulate the Venezuelan people for the high participation in the election of the National Constituent Assembly"
- Boaventura de Souza Santos - In Defense of Venezuela
- George Ciccariello-Maher - Which Way Out of the Venezuelan Crisis?
- More articles...
2022 - Ukraine
Ukraine is once again at the centre of debates in the anti-imperialist left internationally. Having opened this section in 2014 we are continuing it now in 2022.
Building new parties of the left
This section brings together contributions discussing the questions of building broad new left or anti-capitalist parties. Among the most recent contributions are those that were submitted to the meetings of the Fourth International leadership in 2012, 2013 and 2014 either for discussions relating to the balance sheet of specific cases, Brazil, Denmark, Italy, Portugal in 2012, Pakistan, Spanish state and France in 2013, and the Philippines, Britan and Greece in 2014 or more general contributions.
Older discussions include one starting from the results of the 2003 European elections, where Alex Callinicos, Murray Smith and Alan Thornett discuss how the left should organise, the role of revolutionaries and their relationship with broader anti-capitalist formations. Picking up the thread in 2008, Phil Hearse and David Packer make an assessment in the light of divisions in some broad parties, such as Respect. Other contributions discuss perspectives in Scotland in the SSP, in Germany or Italy or consider more general questions.
This section bring together articles discussing questions of concern for our ecosocialist project.
European Union
In this section we cover debates on the question of fascism in a different contexts; whether it is useful to look at the growth of far right forces in the global north as a growth of fascism per se, whether fascism is a useful label for reactionary forces in the global south and how that relates to the growth of religious fundamentalism/communalism in those countries. In both contexts there is also the question of what the use of the label fascist means about the specific tactics that the left should use in combating such phenomena.
Imperialisms today
This section contains contributions in the discussion process towards writing "Theses on Imperialism today" for the 2015 meeting of the International Committee of the Fourth International.
Marxism and Religion
How do Marxists respond to the use of religion as a political tool by "fundamentalists" of all hues? Can marxists and the religious work together?
Paris, Brussels, responding to the attacks
The killings in Paris at Charle Hebdo and the Hyper Cacher (kosher supermarket) in January 2015 provoked a broad debate on the radical left about the nature of satire, attitude to religion, Islamophobia, and the left’s weakness in the immigrant communities in most European countries. These debates were give a new impetus by the November 2015 attacks in Paris, and in those of March 2016 in Brussels. International Viewpoint first published contributions to these ongoing debates in early 2015, and is continuing to do so.
Perspectives in Greece
This section was opened before the the Greek elections of 17 June 2012. We said “[the elections] are a decisive moment in the struggle of the Greek people aginst Troika-imposed austerity. How the radical, anti-capitalist, revolutionary left should position itself is subject to wide-ranging debate. International Viewpoint has decided to publish a number of contributions it has received.†Greece continues to be at the centre of discussions on strategies for resistance, so we are continuing to publish contributions from different standpoints about perspectives in Greece.
Problems of the Arab and Middle East regions
From time to time problems and discussions concerning the stance of radical left and progressive forces in what are broadly called the Arab region or the Middle East (terms which are of course not synonymous although with substnatial overlap) are posed. We have had two debate sections dealing with these problems, created as they arose. The first was "Solidarity with the Iraqi resistance" in 2005 in which Gilbert Achcar, Alex Callinicos and Sharon Smith debated the issue of whether Marxists in the West should declare "solidarity with the Iraqi resistance". The second in 2011 was “Libya, the resistance and the no-fly zone†discussing the struggle between the popular rebellion and the pro-Gaddafi forces and the nature of the forces engaged; the rebels’ demand for a no-fly zone and UN resolution 1973.
It seems more appropriate today to create one single section where the more polemical coverage of questions posed in Syria, Egypt and other locuses of the ongoing “Arab revolutions†process can find their place while we continue ongoing coverage of what is happening in the magazine section.
The current events in Venezuela are provoking a major debate on the Latin American and international left about what stance towards the Maduro government and the call for a Constituent Assembly. International Viewpoint published contributions from the Venezuelan organizations Luchas and Marea Socialista in the June magazine. We are now publishing further contributions in a new debate section.
- Ban cluster bombs – Ukraine is no exception
- Against the Russian war of aggression, the urgency of a radically decolonial left
- Socialist strategy and the party
- Was it a coup?
- Riot on the Hill
- Radiance and sunset of Podemos - reasons for a farewell
- Anticapitalist strategy and the question of organization
- Problems with an Electoral Road to Socialism in the United States
- Parliamentary action and social struggles - The experience of the Portuguese Left Bloc
- Duterte is reactionary, counter-revolutionary (to the “EDSA revolution”), but not fascist – On Walden Bello’s definition of a “fascist leader”
- Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte Is a Wildly Popular Fascist – Now what?
- Marxism, the Arab Spring, and Islamic fundamentalism
- Fascism and the far right; twenty years on
- Is Donald Trump a Fascist?
- Mutations of Fascism: an interview with Enzo Traverso
- The Far Right’s Leftist Mask
- The Dangers of Detoxification
- Greece’s radical left after Syriza
- Only the Beginning
- Letter to the Venezuelan people, to the peoples of Latin America and the world, to the international left
- All the peoples of the world reject Trump’s threats against Venezuela
- ??"We congratulate the Venezuelan people for the high participation in the election of the National Constituent Assembly"
- In Defense of Venezuela
- Which Way Out of the Venezuelan Crisis?
- Being Honest About Venezuela
- The Left and Venezuela
- Trump’s ‘no fly zone’ escalates U.S. war against Syria
- The Crisis and the Intelligentsia
- Venezuela Socialist Speaks on Challenges to Bolivarian Process
- A challenge for the left
- Reflections on the “party question” (expanded version) – an overview
- Que podemos? A potential party
- Winning Power, Not Just Government
- The EU After Brexit – A Political Crisis or an Insoluble Structural Crisis?
- A big step towards the Anthropocene
- 24 Political Theses for debate (Part II)
- 24 Political Theses for debate (Part I)
- Europe: No “LEXIT” without “Another Europe Possible” - based on struggles in/outside/against the EU
- Was Brexit a Working-Class Revolt?
- Analysing the PKK: a reply to Alex de Jong
- The Crisis of the European Union and the Left
- We are leaving Marea Socialista and we will no longer call ourselves Marea Socialista-Original Line
- The Unitary Chavista Socialist League (LUCHAS) is born
- Offensive against the EU from left
- The March 22 attacks and their shadows
- On “Jihadist” terror: The radical Left after the Brussels attacks - The silence of the sectarian English-language blogosphere and equivocation of the radical Left in France - What’s the right approach?
- The NPA Seven Years On: Project, Reality and Questions
- Greece, SYRIZA in Power, and the Concept of a "Workers’ Government"
- Party and Movement
- Anatomy of a Collapse
- A Crash With Chinese Characteristics
- Turning “No” Into a Political Front
- The experience of Podemos in the Spanish State, its originality, its challenges
- We’re All Precarious Now
- The Battle in Syriza
- After the attacks on Charlie Hebdo and the Hyper Cacher Jewish supermarket: thinking through the new and rethinking the old
- The Left Party in Germany – An analysis
- Is Solidarity Without Identity Possible?
- We are NOT Charlie Hebdo!
- Charlie Hebdo: Imperialism’s new 9/11?
- The Brazilian Left, Lula, Rousseff, and the PT Establishment in Power
- The Left Unity project in Britain
- Family Planning and the Environment
- Notes on the "Imperialism and geopolitics" discussion
- Geopolitical chaos and its implications: introductory notes for collective thinking
- Dutch Socialist Party from Sect to Mass Party
- Nonracialism Through Race (and Class)
- Debate on exit strategy: Hansen’s program is more than a carbon tax
- The significance of Left Unity
- ANTARSYA and the anticapitalist project in Greece
- The significance of Syriza
- Time to change direction
- Contribution for the International Committee, February 2014
- The Intervention of the FI in Greece
- The Fourth International in the 21st century
- The NPA in crisis: We have to explain because we have to start again
- Broad parties and the fight for left unity in Britain
- Threat still looms of U.S. attack on Syria
- Counter-revolution gains in Egypt
- New Beginnings
- A project for our times
- Why a new organization (and a new site)?
- Population and the environment: time for a rethink
- A contribution to the broad parties debate
- The debate on broad parties
- “Anti-austerity governments” are not a solution: For a militant and revolutionary International
- Building a revolutionary party today
- Build a Broad Left Party, fight for Marxist Unity
- Left Unity’s ‘modest flutter’
- Will the real European Left stand up?
- Response to ‘Left Unity’s modest flutter’
- New broad parties: the French experience
- The NPA - a balance sheet
- For the Fourth International discussion
- Elements for a balance sheet of the NPA
- Turn the page, write a new book
- The crisis of the radical left and the recent debate in Sinstra Critica
- The Trotskyism of the Liga
- Fundamentalism, a challenge for the Left
- The experience of building DS and the PT, from 1979 to the first Lula government
- Starting anew with the Left Bloc
- A Failed Refoundation
- The Red-Green Alliance in Denmark
- A thoroughgoing popular revolution
- A retreat from previous positions?
- Will Libya be another disappointment after Iraq and Afghanistan?
- After Gaddafi
- Imminent Victory in Libya – the struggle will continue
- Imperialist Victory Is No Gain For Libyan People
- Libya: revolution, intervention and crisis
- The Libyan insurrection between Gaddafi’s hammer, NATO’s anvil and the Left’s confusion: results and prospects
- Feminism and the soul of secularism
- No to imperialist war in Libya
- Stop the bombing, support the revolutions, no to the dictators and to repression, rights for migrants.
- Socialist Resistance adopt statements on Arab revolutions and Libya
- On No Fly Zones as a form of External Military Intervention
- Three discourses on Political Islam in the Middle East
- What’s happening in Libya?
- What Cuba’s reforms may bring
- Reform and revolution today: The strategic puzzle
- Socialism and Democracy
- The New Sexual Radicalism
- Beyond the World Social Forum ... the Fifth International
- Chavez calls for Fifth International
- How the left should respond
- Revolution and the party in Gramsci’s thought
- Eleven Theses on the Resurgence of Islamic Fundamentalism
- Islam and the Left - a reply to Salma Yaqoob
- Islam and the left
- Islam and the left
- Marxism and the SSP
- Marxism and Religion
- Internal Democracy and Public Debate in Revolutionary Parties
- Internal Democracy and Public Debate in Revolutionary Parties
- Alliances and Coalitions in Britain: ˜Stop the War” and “Respect”
- The Brazilian left at the crossroads
- Political Resolution of the DS Brazil
- Letter to members of the PT from FI leaders
- The Social Question in Europe
- Building broad anti-capitalist parties - a necessary step
- Towards a new International?
- The future of the revolutionary left
Keyword Debate section
Keyword home
Put an end to Macron and the Fifth Republic!
After the vote of no confidence, let’s finish with Macron and the 5th Republic!
The result was clear: 331 votes in favour of the no confidence motion. The Barnier government resigned and the austerity budget law fell. This illegitimate government, a symbol of Macron’s decomposition of the Macron presidency, had no future. The promise of ever more austerity and authoritarianism has been rejected by the vast majority of the population.
- read article...Ukrainian care workers’ union growth shows strength, resilience during war
In the heart of a war-torn nation, Ukraine’s care workers are showing extraordinary resilience and unity in some of the most difficult conditions imaginable. Through their union Be Like Nina (BLN), these healthcare heroes are organizing under challenging circumstances not just to protect their livelihoods and improve their jobs but also to strengthen a healthcare system stretched to its limits.
- read article...Standing in solidarity with the PepsiCo workers’ strike in Brazil!
“Brazilian civil society, social movements and trade unions are campaigning in solidarity with the PepsiCo strike.”
- read article...Publishing a new collection of writings by Daniel Bensaïd
New and expanded edition of Strategies of Resistance by Daniel Bensaïd (1946 – 2010) one France’s most creative Marxist philosophers. His work is now increasingly being translated and attracting global attention.
- read article...The Summer ‘Uni’, a barricade against the political right and social demobilisation
The last days of August saw the 14th edition of the Summer University of Anticapitalistas with the slogan ‘A new internationalism in the face of war and climate barbarism’ with the just over 750 people attending. This year there was a significant increase in the number of young people as a result of the work to establish the student movement, the role played in promoting solidarity with Palestine and the intervention around the queer question.
- read article...International Viewpoint is published under the responsibility of the Bureau of the Fourth International. Signed articles do not necessarily reflect editorial policy. Articles can be reprinted with acknowledgement, and a live link if possible.
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