International Viewpoint, the monthly English-language magazine of the Fourth International, is a window to radical alternatives world-wide, carrying reports, analysis and debates from all corners of the globe. Correspondents in over 50 countries report on popular struggles, and the debates that are shaping the left of tomorrow.
Nearly two years after Lula’s return to power as President of Brazil, Israel Dutra, a member of the leadership of MES (Socialist Left Movement) and PSOL (Socialism and Liberty Party) of Brazil, provides us with an overview of the social and political situation in an interview with the NPA-Anticapitaliste Latin American Commission.
read article...Donald J. Trump’s returns to the White House on January 20 promising to bring radical and fundamental change to every aspect of the American economy, society, and politics. His election is an expression of the exhaustion of the liberal (and neoliberal) order and the initiation of a new regime and a new system in the United States. His promises and plans threaten not only the world order, such as that is, but the planet itself.
read article...“The aim of further tightening xenophobic and anti-minority measures is to divert discontent onto supposed scapegoats (refugees, migrants, the unemployed, welfare recipients, LGBTIQ+ people or even socially critical artists).”
read article...The agreement may reduce the intensity of Israel’s killing spree, but it is likely to usher in a grueling new phase of ethnic cleansing with Trump’s full support.
read article...The events that have unfolded in Lebanon between the election of a new president of the Republic on Thursday 9 January and the appointment of a new prime minister on Monday 13, constitute a major upheaval in the country’s political situation. The fact is that these events are themselves primarily the result of a major upheaval in the actual balance of power that determines Lebanon’s political situation. This is because, in key stages of the country’s history since its independence in 1943, the Lebanese government was subject to an agreement between two rival external powers, and whenever this agreement and the equilibrium accompanying it were disturbed, the situation has become tense to the point of explosion when the tension reached its peak.
read article...The concepts of climate debt and ecological debt are central to successfully achieving the ecological bifurcation. The ecological debt owed by States – and in particular the wealthiest States and major corporations – of the North to the populations of the Global South must be recognized. That recognition must take the form of cancellation of the debt of the countries of the Global South and paying of reparations by the States of the North. The latter must compel the wealthiest interests to contribute and assume responsibility for climate disruption and for taking the actions that are urgently needed to limit its consequences and its aggravation to the maximum extent possible.
Lennart Wallster […] was strongly associated with SP’s very first days in the late 1960’s and the commitment to building the political and organizational center of the Fourth International.
What are the arguments for eco socialists to be part of a revolutionary international?
We have particularly highlighted this aspect of the international dimension that every socialist strategy needs because it emerges unequivocally from the experiences and struggles of the European proletariat.
After the vote of no confidence, let’s finish with Macron and the 5th Republic!
The result was clear: 331 votes in favour of the no confidence motion. The Barnier government resigned and the austerity budget law fell. This illegitimate government, a symbol of Macron’s decomposition of the Macron presidency, had no future. The promise of ever more austerity and authoritarianism has been rejected by the vast majority of the population.
- read article...In the heart of a war-torn nation, Ukraine’s care workers are showing extraordinary resilience and unity in some of the most difficult conditions imaginable. Through their union Be Like Nina (BLN), these healthcare heroes are organizing under challenging circumstances not just to protect their livelihoods and improve their jobs but also to strengthen a healthcare system stretched to its limits.
- read article...“Brazilian civil society, social movements and trade unions are campaigning in solidarity with the PepsiCo strike.”
- read article...New and expanded edition of Strategies of Resistance by Daniel Bensaïd (1946 – 2010) one France’s most creative Marxist philosophers. His work is now increasingly being translated and attracting global attention.
- read article...The last days of August saw the 14th edition of the Summer University of Anticapitalistas with the slogan ‘A new internationalism in the face of war and climate barbarism’ with the just over 750 people attending. This year there was a significant increase in the number of young people as a result of the work to establish the student movement, the role played in promoting solidarity with Palestine and the intervention around the queer question.
- read article...International Viewpoint is published under the responsibility of the Bureau of the Fourth International. Signed articles do not necessarily reflect editorial policy. Articles can be reprinted with acknowledgement, and a live link if possible.
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