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‘It’s crucial to fight the far right in Pakistan and the region’

Though it is one of the most dynamic regions of world capitalism, the Brazilian public [and elsewhere] knows little about South Asia. But the recent student rebellion in Bangladesh has brought to the fore this region marked by instability, which includes populous countries such as Bangladesh, Pakistan and India.

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No Fist Is Big Enough to Hide the Sky”: 100 Years of Amilcar Cabral

Anticolonialist and anti-imperialist, party organizer and guerilla warfare strategist, diplomat and publicist, revolutionary theorist and internationalist, Amílcar Cabral was among the most original Marxists of the 20th century.

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Remembering the Carnation revolution

This week sees the 50th anniversary of the Portuguese “Carnation” Revolution that erupted in 1974 and was finally tamed in 1976 with the election of a government led by Soares from the Socialist Party(SP). The moderate SP consolidated many reforms won in the previous two years but also restored the capitalist order.

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