In fact, after being categorically refused the granting of a fifth term by the people, Bouteflika decided to extend his reign by one year to reorganize the regime for the benefit of his clique. Thus, he yields on the accessory to maintain the essential.
The people who mobilized massively to demand the fall of the system and a radical change cannot be satisfied with a formal concession. They cannot stop their fight halfway.
The people deny all legitimacy to the regime and its institutions to decide its near or distant future and reject the institutions it wants to confer on itself.
Today, the popular movement enters the second phase of its struggle; that of self-organization and elaboration to define the new system to be put in place and to prepare the election of a sovereign constituent assembly representative of the democratic and social aspirations of the popular masses.
The PST calls on all social categories to persevere in the struggle for radical change and to preserve the peaceful nature of the movement.