The Northern Alliance took over Kabul on 13th November without any serious fight from the Taliban. It was not a tactical retreat but it shows the total collapse of morale among the Taliban.
“We are fighting a dual war”
10 December 2001, byShoaib Bhatti, editor of Weekly Mazdoor Jeddojuhd (Workers Struggle) interviewed Adil, central leader of the Afghan Revolutionary Labour Organization on 11th November in Lahore, before the fall of Kabul.
Afghan Workers Solidarity Campaign launched
10 December 2001, byLabour Party Pakistan in close association with Afghan Labour Revolutionary Organization has decided to launch Afghan Workers Solidarity Campaign. The idea to start this campaign was discussed during the visit of Alan McCombes of Scottish Socialist Party. The SSP has already decided to actively support this campaign.
Movement against war grows
10 December 2001Around the world a series of actions and demonstrations have taken place calling for an end to the war in Afghanistan.
10 December 2001September 11 has brought indescribable suffering to New York City’s working people. We want justice for the dead and safety for the living. And we believe that George Bush’s war is not the answer.
An act of vengeance against a whole people
10 December 2001The imperialist aggression launched by the United States as a supposed retaliation for the attacks of 11 September 2001 - which struck the very heart of their territory for the first time - is not an act of legitimate self-defence. It is an act of military vengeance against a whole people.
Voices against war
10 December 2001, byThe war in Afghanistan has produced the most impassioned outburst of anti-war writing in the English-speaking countries since Vietnam. Unfortunately, while this finds an echo in the mainstream press in Britain, it is virtually excluded from the press in the United States, gripped as it is by an unparalleled reactionary mobilisation.
Another world is indispensable!
10 December 2001, byAfter the attacks in Manhattan and in the context of a war which promises to be long, hard and terrifying, can the movement against capitalist globalisation continue as before? Can its identity, perspectives, and priorities remain unchanged or should they undergo a profound transformation?
The Grand Chessboard
10 December 2001, byDo Osama Ben Laden’s "Al-Quaida" network and their Taliban supporters in Afghanistan represent the central target of the US military campaign? Certainly, the proclaimed target is wider: "international terrorism". Inside the vast "coalition" which has been set up, understanding on this theme will not be reached easily and in any case will not last.
PRC opens congress discussion
10 December 2001, byWe publish below extracts from the first draft resolution under discussion for the next congress of Italy’s Party of Communist Refoundation, which will take place in spring 2002. This text was adopted by a very large majority by the National Political Committee (CPN) on September 16, but it was written before the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington on September 11, 2001.
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