Italian revolutionary socialist and long time leading member of the Fourth International, Livio Maitan has died.
Livio Maitan - a man of different times
16 October 2004, byLivio Maitan was a man of different times, but not for reasons of age. Rather, he was a man of different times because he was an organic intellectual - a rare breed that, while not entirely extinct, has precious few surviving members.
The Case for an Alternative
16 October 2004, byThe following is excerpted from the concluding section of the US socialist organization Solidarity’s pamphlet “Bush’s Wars, the 2004 Elections and the Movements”.
The Green Party and the 2004 election
16 October 2004, byIn an election year when so many antiwar activists, progressives and even socialists are embracing the “anybody but Bush” (“ABB”) rationale for giving backhanded support to pro-war, pro-corporate John Kerry, the Green Party of the United States emerged from its June convention deeply divided.
Democracy Is the Key
16 October 2004, byThis interview with Peter Camejo, Ralph Nader’s running mate, was conducted by Ann Menasche for the US socialist journal “Against The Current”
The Mystery of the 2004 Elections
16 October 2004, byTHERE IS A mystery to the 2004 presidential election; a silence has fallen on America regarding a glaring contradiction. As we enter the second half of 2004, there is massive popular opposition to the war in Iraq and to the USA Patriot Act — possibly a majority of Americans. Yet these same people are about to vote in overwhelming numbers for John Kerry for President.
Mass movement against social “reform”
16 October 2004, byDuring August 2004 a movement against reform of unemployment benefits exploded across Germany. Between August 2 and August 30 the number of demonstrators grew from 600 (in one town) to 140,000 (in nearly 200 towns).