THE DELUGE of iron and fire which is falling on Iraq shows the true nature of the “new world order” championed by George Bush. The end to the “cold war” between Moscow and Washington has given way to new “hot wars”, as terrible as those we knew in the past decades, from Korea to Algeria; in Vietnam, in Afghanistan...
A Manifesto: Only socialism can ensure the survival of humanity
1 January 1996THE WORLD is at a crossroads. The knowledge and technical means exist to conquer hunger and disease and to satisfy the basic social and cultural needs of our whole planet. But, inequalities grow and catastrophes threaten us. At the same time mass mobilizations of workers and oppressed peoples can gradually free themselves from the control and recuperative capacity of the conservative apparatuses.
“New world order” or international instability
1 January 1996THE COLLAPSE of the bureaucratic regimes of Eastern Europe, the profound shake-up of Soviet bureaucracy, the reunification of Germany and the Gulf war mark a major turning point in world history. They mark the end of the international context which has lasted since the end of the second world war.
Socialist revolution and Ecology
1 January 1996ALTHOUGH ecological problems are not new to humanity, their scope and intensity have now lent them a new quality. Taking ecological dangers seriously means looking beyond the profit motive or bureaucratic rule towards a democratically planned, socialist society.
Europe 1992: Bourgeois plans and workers’ perspectives
1 January 1996The upheavals in Eastern Europe are combined with a thoroughgoing reorganization of the political and economic situation in Western Europe. The perspective of integrating capitalist Europe, and the political and social future of the societies in the East, will not be resolved independently. Both have important implications.
Western Europe: Changing forms of the struggle for women’s liberation
1 January 1996SINCE the 1979 11th World Congress resolution “The Socialist Revolution and the Struggle for Women’s Liberation” important changes have taken place in the forms of women’s radicalization in western imperialist countries.
Latin America: The strategic challenge for the revolutionary left
1 January 1996It is obviously impossible to offer a single orientation for all our sections. There is no one single model for party building nor a single line for party building valid for all times and all places. It is now clear that the Nicaraguan revolution and the constitution of the Brazilian PT gave rise to attempts to repeat these two experiences. We are for building big mass revolutionary parties, but there are countless different variants possible for getting there.
Latin America: Dynamics of mass movements and feminist currents
1 January 1996STARTING with a critical look at the 11th World Congress resolution, “The socialist revolution and the struggle for women’s liberation”, this resolution aims to be a guide to action for our organizations in their central task of organizing a women’s liberation movement - alongside the masses of Latin American women, other feminist sectors and other revolutionary organizations - that can take its place and play a decisive role in the revolutionary process and in building a socialist society.
Positive action and partybuilding among women
1 January 1996There are three possible approaches in considering the importance of the real integration of women and of the struggle against sex discrimination in political organizations and in particular in our organizations.