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The NPA-l’Anticapitaliste joins the New Popular Front to confront the far right and Macron

Wednesday 12 June 2024, by NPA - Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste

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The NPA-l’Anticapitaliste eadership met on Tuesday evening and unanimously decided to respond positively to the call from the 7 organizations that initiated the Popular Front Front populaire. At a time when the RN and its allies are in a position to take power, the Popular Front offers hope for the social and political left, against liberal reforms, for anti-racist, environmental, feminist and LGBTI struggles, and for all movements for equal rights.

From tomorrow, our activists will be fully committed to ensuring that the Popular Front candidates win and reverse the deadly dynamic we find ourselves in. Together with our spokespersons, we are determined to play our full part in the campaign, including by putting forward candidates.

Victory against the far right and Macron is only possible if there is a broad mobilisation of the population, particularly in companies, working-class neighbourhoods and young people. The trade union movement, environmental struggles, the feminist movement, the movement in solidarity with Palestine, the decolonial and anti-racist struggles, must feed deeply into the Popular Front programme. They must be its lifeblood.

That’s why we will be supporting and participating in the building of all the demonstrations, mobilisations and strikes, in the streets and in companies, that will take place in the coming days and those that will follow after the elections. The mobilisations are the only guarantee that the Popular Front will pursue a programme that breaks with four decades of liberal policies.

The chaos caused by this predatory system requires a revolutionary break with capitalism and a new, emancipatory hope for the oppressed and exploited. Today, there is an urgent need for unity against fascism and for the construction of a counter-offensive by the working classes. Faced with the danger of fascism, let’s join the New Popular Front!

Montreuil, Tuesday 11 June 2024


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