The fishing area has been partly extended, the various materials necessary for reconstruction should be brought to the blockaded area, the question of the port of the airport of Gaza should be rediscussed within one month, etc.
Even if these measures are far from sufficient to make it possible for Gaza’s population to lead a dignified life, and even if the Israeli state is not renowned for respecting its commitments of its commitments and agreements, the NPA is pleased with this political and military defeat of Israel, which did not achieve its goals in Gaza, coming up against the resistance of the population and its organizations, which refused to capitulate in spite of the unbearable violence of the military aggression.
The fight for the complete lifting of the blockade continues, and the NPA will continue to take part in solidarity initiatives with the Palestinians and their fight to for obtain their legitimate national rights. The pressure on the Israeli state must be stepped up to transform this political and military defeat into victory for the Palestinians, in particular by the development of the Boycott Divestment Sanction campaigns, the only way to make israel pay the price of its criminal policy.
29 August 2014