This Saturday, during Act XI of the Yellow Jackets in Paris, the NPA contingent was attacked twice by about 50 extreme right-wing individuals. Organized and ultra-violent, the fascist group "Les Zouaves" (who claimed responsibility for the attacks) deliberately targeted our contingent, wounding several of our comrades. [1]
This group has nothing to do with the Yellow Jackets movement. We have been marching alongside them several weeks without ever having caused any problems. The groups of yellow jackets present during this Saturday’s attacks were shocked by these attacks, and some demonstrators intervened alongside us to repel the fachos.
We will not be intimidated! The NPA will continue to build, with determination, the movement against Macron and its anti-social policies, and will be present during the next mobilizations on the occasion of the Twelfth Act of the Yellow Jackets next Saturday.
The presence of the extreme right in the Yellow Jackets demonstrations is a poison to the movement: the aggression we suffered was aimed at breaking the demonstration, weakening it, and of course playing into the hands of power.
We will quickly contact organizations of the social and political left, as well as the various groups of Yellow Jackers, to consider together a response to the actions of these small groups, so that they stop attacking social mobilizations.
26 January 2019