Home > News from around the world > Campaign to stop the execution of rapper and metal worker Toomaj Salehi


Campaign to stop the execution of rapper and metal worker Toomaj Salehi

Thursday 13 June 2024, by Collective

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Dissident rapper Toomaj Salehi is at risk of execution after a Revolutionary Court in Esfahan sentenced him to death in April 2024 solely in relation to his participation in the “Woman Life Freedom” uprising and social media posts critical of the Iranian authorities. His trial was grossly unfair, and authorities dismissed his complaints of torture, including electric shocks, death threats and repeated beatings resulting in bone fractures and vision impairment in one eye. Amnesty International.

Toomaj Salehi is a 33-year-old rapper and metalworker.

For several years Toomaj has denounced the systematic and brutal oppression of the Iranian regime. His songs openly condemn the absence of political and civil rights, corruption, gender apartheid, and other social inequalities.

When Tehran’s ‘morality police’ caused the death of Jina (Mahsa) Amini on September 16th 2022, Toomaj Salehi supported the just demands of the masses against the fundamentalist Islamic tyranny. Toomaj, a brave dissident rapper, clearly sided with Iran’s workers, women and the oppressed in his songs. Faced with the most significant and sustained protest movements in its history, the Iranian regime arrested Toomaj Salehi on October 30th.

After his initial brutal beating, Toomaj was tortured, including having his leg broken, fingers and ribs crushed, and months in solitary confinement. The regime’s thugs also injured his eye. Even though he was in danger of losing the sight in that eye, the blood-soaked regime denied Toomaj the urgent medical care he needed, forcing him to confess to so-called crimes he had not committed. Based on the coerced confession, he was accused of “Corruption on Earth” and “War against God” – and therefore faced the death penalty.

In 2022, the Supreme court handed him a six years and three months prison sentence for his “crimes”.

But on April 24th 2024, Branch No1 of Esfahan’s Revolutionary Court took the unprecedented action of not implementing the 2022 ruling of the Supreme Court regarding Tomaj Salehi’ case. By calling this ruling merely a “guidance” and emphasising the independence of the lower court, Toomaj was sentenced to death on the charge of “Corruption on Earth”.

Toomaj Salehi has 20 days to appeal. If the Supreme Court upholds his death sentence, the judiciary’s amnesty commission may review his case and perhaps commute his sentence.

The Shahrokh Zamani Action Campaign strongly condemns the arrest, torture, continuing detention and death sentence of Toomaj Salehi, and calls for his immediate and unconditional release. We urge all trade unionists, socialists and other political activists to help us in defending the rights of all workers, political prisoners and social rights’ activists in Iran.

Free Toomaj Salehi now!

Free all political prisoners in Iran!

Shahrokh Zamani Action Campaign

27 April 2024

You can sign and spread the following statement:

Toomaj Salehi is a 33-year-old rapper and metalworker in Iran. On April 24th 2024 he was sentenced to death for supporting the mass protests in Iran after Tehran’s ‘morality police’ killed Jina (Mahsa) Amini on September 16th 2022. Toomaj has 20 days to appeal the death sentence.*

We demand the immediate release of Toomaj Salehi!

Drop all charges against Toomaj Salehi!

Free all political prisoners in Iran!

Sign the statement here

Source: Internationalist Standpoint.

* NB Amnesty International gives a deadline of 11 July to take action and proposes a model letter to send to:

Head of judiciary, Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei c/o Embassy of Iran to the European Union,
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt No. 15, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium


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