More than thirty political parties and organisations from all over the globe who met in the capital of Holland made an appeal to left wing and progressive forces to come forward in defence of the just cause of the Tamil people. In a public statement they demanded that the Sri Lankan government stop imposing its will militarily on the Tamil people.
Delegates who convened in Amsterdam pledged to lobby governments in their respective countries to call upon the Sri Lankan government to restore the ceasefire and stop killing civillians. Chamil Jayaneththi of the Left Front represented the Sri Lankan left.
The signatories
Algeria - Socialist Workers Party (PST)
Basque country - Ezker Gogoa (EG)
Belgium - Socialist Workers’ Party (SAP)
Bolivia - Partido Obrero Revolucionario. Combate
Brazil -Socialism and Freedom Party (P-SOL)
Britain – International Socialist Group (ISG)
Denmark - Socialist Workers’ Party (SAP)
Ecuador - Democracia Socailista (DS)
Ecuador - Refundacion Socialista (RS)
France - Revolutionary Communist League (LCR)
France- Europe Solidaire Sans Frontiere (ESSF)
Germany - International Socialist Left (ISL)
Germany - Revolutionary Socialist League (RSB)
Greece - Kokkino – Red
Greece - Organization of Communist Internationalists of Greece-Spartacus (OKDE Spartakos)
Italy - Bandiera Rossa Association (BRA)
Japan - Japan Revolutionary Communist League (JRCL)
Mexico - Revolutionary Workers’ Party (PRT)
Netherlands - Socialist Alternative Politics (SAP))
Netherlands - International Institute for Research and Education (IIRE)
Pakistan - Labour Party of Pakistan (LPP)
Peru- Resistencia Global (RG)
Philippines - Revolutionary Workers Party - Mindanao (RWP-M)
Puerto Rico - Political Education Workshop (TFP)
Quebec - Gauche Socialiste (GS)
Sweden - Socialist Party (SP)
Switzerland – G Anticap
Turkey - Freedom and Solidarity Party (ODP)
USA - International Socialist Organization (ISO)