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New articles galore:
Wednesday 31 August 2016
In our features section, the first 4 points of a 5 point series Part 1: The history of the CADTM and its struggle against illegitimate debt: Origins. Part 2: The First Testing Grounds for the CADTM’s Methods to Counter Illegitimate Debt: the examples of Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Part 3: Argentina - Further Action against Illegitimate Debt and Part 4: From Dashed Hopes to Success in Ecuador: the examples of South Africa, Brazil, Paraguay and Ecuador and also Michael Lowy’s piece on Rosa Luxemburg “The Hammer Blow of the Revolution” and Jo Magpie’s Regaining hope in Rojava.
In our debate section Angela Klein’s The Crisis of the European Union and the Left , Sarah Parker and Phil Hearse’s Analysing the PKK: a reply to Alex de Jong and We are leaving Marea Socialista and we will no longer call ourselves Marea Socialista-Original Line