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Fourth International

“Per una storia della IV internazionale – la testimonianza di un comunista controcorrente”

Thursday 11 October 2018, by Fred Leplat

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Help us publish in English “Towards a history of the Fourth International” by Livio Maitan, published in Italian by Edizioni Alegre, Roma.

Why we want to publish this book

This book is an analysis of the major events of the second half of the Twentieth Century by a Marxist and a participant. Livio was for a long period part of the leadership of the Fourth International. Livio deals with the strategic and programmatic problems his generation faced as it sought to work towards a democratic socialist alternative.

Why we need financial support for the translation

Resistance Books is making an appeal for donations to complete the translation of this book. We are a non-commercial publisher, run by volunteers, but we have to employ translators and designers as we do not have those skills. We are hoping to raise to £5,250 (€6,000 - $6,000) to pay for the translation and the design of the book.

About the book

In Per una storia della IV internazionale: la testimonianza di un comunista controcorrente, Livio relates his experience of being a revolutionary communist during the second half of the 20th Century. From his early commitment to communism in 1942 under fascism in Italy, Livio chose to be ‘against the current’ by rejecting both Stalinism and social democracy. Instead, he charted a course of democratic and revolutionary Marxism, which brought him to the ‘Trotskyist’ movement, participating on its international leadership. Livio also became from 1991 a leading member of Rifondazione Communista until his death in September 2004 at the age of 81.

About Resistance Books

Resistance Books is a non-commercial publisher, and producing books on ecosocialism, feminism and internationalism. Resistance Books publishes books jointly with the International Institute for Research and Education in Amsterdam (www.iire.org), and occasionally with Merlin Press, London (www.merlinpress.co.uk).

Resistance Books, London



How to make donations

Donations in Sterling

By Bank Transfer to :

Account name: Resistance

Bank: Co-operative Bank PLC

Sort Code: 080228

Account no.:70186297

and send an email to socialistresistanceoffice@gmail.com saying you have made a donation for the translation.

By Paypal to resistance@sent.com (please state this is for translation appeal)

By cheque made out to Resistance (marked translation appeal) and posted to PO Box 62732 London SW2 9GQ

Donations in Euros to the IIRE

Address: Postbus 1962, 1000 BZ, Amsterdam

IBAN: NL55INGB0001039161


Bank: ING (Postbus 1800, 1102 BW, Amsterdam)

Please mention ‘Livio’ in your transfer.

You can also donate using PayPal, paying to SOWSfoundation@gmail.com.


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