A general strike for legal abortion: the street is ours
Feminism reinvents the street, we make it our own, every time we take it. #NosotrasParamos (“We Are on Strike”) To live now in the world we want.
Feminism reinvents the strike, makes it its own and widens it to include all forms of work and production of value, especially when not remunerated, recognised or formalized.
#NosotrasParamos and we make the strike a radical tool. We strike against the precariousness of our lives and for legal abortion, because we demand autonomy for our bodies and for our vital decisions, because we will no longer be in hiding and we will no longer accept that silence stifles our fights.
We are on strike and we do not stay in our homes, in our interiors. We strike, and we go on to the street, we shelter in our demands and we pool collective care because this is also the case when we ask for legal abortion. We all unite:
We are all united in our demands and we take care collectively of each other, because that is also claiming legal abortion.
We are all united: The cry of teenage girls is also the demand of those who, in the urban peripheries, tell with their own voices what it means to abort in every situation and in every territory.
#Corrida Feminista #Vivas Libres Y Desendeudadas Nos Queremos (“Feminist Run - We want to live free and without debt”)
The green tide that has occupied the city and which forced the vote in parliament is fed from the streets, assemblies that multiply everywhere, green scarves [the symbol of the movement] everywhere, conversations in every place of work and in every school. The green tide is feminist because we know what it means to have our bodies in the streets.
To the feminist run they wanted to oppose the run of financial speculation on the dollar. We know that the flight of dollars is nothing more than a tool to impose financial discipline: they want us impoverished, indebted, frightened and obedient. But insubmission lives in our bodies and we are ready to move into the streets. In the face of the passive strike proposed by the union leaderships, we are mobilized. We build the feminist house on the asphalt and the collective fiesta made from discussions and large collective meals, no other order than that proposed by the gathering, the militant dance, the comings and goings from one tent to another for the abrazo, embracing each other, and the encounter between the nuances of our requirements and in the various tones and languages that express them.
#PolÃtica Feminista #No SMueve El Deseo (“Feminist Politics – Desire Motivates Us”)
The feminist movement on the street opens the world of the possible. It installs a radical non-determination at the heart of the politicians ’ calculations and goes beyond the negotiations at the top which try to recuperate our strengths to their advantage. We accumulate our strengths for ourselves, for the freedom and autonomy we build together, by emancipating ourselves from both patriarchal violence and disciplinary fundamentalisms. We practice feminist politics when we are there for ourselves and this translates into a collective power. We practice feminist politics when we turn the city into a celebration. We practice feminist politics when we are driven by the desire to change everything: our way of loving and our way of doing politics and denouncing financial speculation, the ways of living on the street and revolutionizing our homes, our beds and every place of work, study and organization.
On June 25th let’s take to the the street for #AbortoLegal #ParoGeneral (Legal Abortion, General Strike”) to change everything.