For a long time ’Europe’ was just an idea. Perhaps a good idea, certainly an inoffensive idea, but in any event something far off in the distance. The neo-liberal offensive of the 1980s and the fall of the Berlin Wall changed this.
EU treaties in the light of history
28 June 1997, byEurope has a long history of wars, invasions, bloody conflicts and social ruptures. No wonder the "utopia of union" is so strong.
The price of the Euro
28 June 1997, byAcross the European Union, expensive propaganda campaigns are being organised to convince the population that the common European currency is a good thing. The introduction of the Euro is presented as a technical operation, and to everyone’s advantage.
Economists against the EMU
28 June 1997A statement by 70 Dutch economists against the EMU, published February 13 in De Volkskrant, a major Dutch dailies, has spectacularly opened a real debate about the Euro in a country where, until recently, almost everybody seemed to support the Euro project.
For a social Europe
28 June 1997, byThere are more than 18 million unemployed in the European Union, according to official statistics. The average unemployment rate is 11% (13% for women and 9% for men. An estimated 50 million people live in poverty.
The persistence of inequality
28 June 1997The current profound restructuring of European capitalism includes a widespread attack on a woman’s right to work. One of the primary elements of this attack is the spread of part-time work.
Public services for the common good
28 June 1997, byAll industrialised countries are facing a two-fold process of deregulation and privatisation, affecting both public services and social security. The ultimate goal of this offensive is to put sectors of economic and social activity back into the market.
The automobile society
28 June 1997, byThe European Union prefers the train. Officially, at least. But we all know the real situation. Trains might be more socially and ecologically reasonable, but EU "reform" has destroyed the rail system.
Our International
28 June 1997, byOurs is the Fourth International. The fourth, "Trotskyist", because the other three disappeared - by political abdication, or organisational collapse.
The threat of military Europe
28 June 1997The Euromilitarisation of the EU is an undeniable reality, even if it is being done discretely and taking forms that are still uneven and incomplete.
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