Whether or not they recognize what they have done or deny any involvement in the acts of which they are accused, all of them, in our opinion, must be allowed to return to their homes and their families.
The process that has been chosen by the majority of the political organizations of the national movement gives priority to the question of those who are in prison. This choice, which we respect, does not nevertheless seem to us to be the most pertinent. In reality, the historically repeated temptation of all the apparatuses consists in taking these prisoners hostage by transforming them into a means of political exchange. This leads to blackmail and pressure, solely destined to exert influence in the framework of any negotiations that take place, while making it possible to limit to the maximum the inevitable concessions that will have to be made. This is the process in which the present French government is involved.
As supporters of the right to self-determination, we reaffirm that full and complete emancipation can in no way be compatible with the system of conditional freedom.
Today, a majority of nationalists have approved of a strategy based almost solely on the terrain of struggles within institutions and on the perspective of obtaining, in the medium term, the statute of autonomy. Now everyone must be able to evaluate, on the basis of the results that may be obtained, the exact scope and the implications of this strategy.
This same majority hope that an amnesty will be promulgated. Although we still do not agree with the autonomist strategy, we do not wish in any circumstances to get involved in the bargaining of which the political prisoners will inevitably be the victims.
It is on the basis of this analysis that we call on people to demonstrate on September 24, demanding along with all of the participants in and organizers of this mobilization, the promulgation of an amnesty law covering all prisoners, without exception.
September 9, 2016