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Economic and debt crisis

Latest update : 5 March 2020.

This section brings together articles on the economic and debt crisis, notably since the 2008 crisis. It includes reports given at the international economics seminar held in the International Institute for Research and Education in October 2009.


[2Rosa Luxemburg, born on 5 March 1871 at Zamo?? in the Russian Empire (now Poland), was murdered during the German Revolution by soldiers on 15 January 1919 in Berlin on the orders of members of the Social Democratic government presided over by Friedrich Ebert. Rosa Luxemburg was a socialist, communist, internationalist activist and Marxist theorist. It is recommended to read the biography of Rosa Luxemburg written by one of her fellow fighters, Paul Frölich, first published in 1939 and republished by L’Harmattan in French in 1999, ISBN: 2-7384-0755-2 - May 1999 - 384 pages.

[3The chapter "International Loans" can be downloaded free from [https://www.marxists.org/archive/luxemburg/1913/accumulation-capital/ch30.htm].

[5This version contains parts 1-4 of Toussaint’s article which was originally published in 7 parts. Parts 5-7 are here Yanis Varoufakis’s Account of the Greek Crisis: a Self-Incrimination Pt 2

[6Original version in Italian here.

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