“All of this means that for socialists in England the question of deepening our understanding of the national questions in both Scotland and Wales, and in particular fighting for labour movement support for the right to self determination, needs to be pushed much higher up our political agenda.”
A look back at the history of East Turkestan and the geopolitics of Central Asia
30 May 2021, byThe Uighur question has suddenly become a stake in the political struggle in Belgium, between the PS and even more ECOLO, on the one hand, and the PTB, on the other hand. The former accuses the latter of complicity with the genocide of the Uighur people, the latter accuses the former of participating in a new imperialist cold war against China.
Palestine: a “ceasefire” that solves nothing, a mobilization that continues
29 May 2021, by“There is no doubt that the sequence that has opened up in recent weeks is far from over and that we must continiue to express our solidarity.”
The red thread of the Commune
28 May 2021, by ,On the 150th anniversary of the defeat of the Paris Commune we assert that the Commune is not dead, retracing its influence through the workers’ and revolutionary movements until today.
“Unprecedented and unacceptable”
27 May 2021, by“Some have called the Belarusian act state terrorism; we agree. But many other states have resorted or still resort to terrorist practices.”
The economic response to the crisis benefits large companies
26 May 2021, byThe spokesperson for the CADTM International network calls for an end to patents.
The popular uprising is bringing down the neoliberal and militarist regime
25 May 2021, by“Neoliberalism does not die without killing, but the more it kills, the more it dies. What is happening in Colombia is not a Colombian problem, it is our problem, that of the democrats of the world,” Boaventura Dos Santos.
Egypt’s Uprising and Its Fate
24 May 2021, by“The issues that prompted the 2011 uprisings are still on the table. Since then, struggles have continued to erupt over the prevailing failed mode of capital accumulation and governance.”
Party-state and mafia state
23 May 2021, by“Is Turkey ready for the post-Erdogan era?” With the next parliamentary and presidential elections - normally - two years away, this question is already starting to be debated by various commentators and political analysts.
India’s Covid Crisis: Can the Modi Regime Get India Out of It?
22 May 2021, by“Modi is as brutal as Xi, and treating him as an ally will simply help him to crush the remaining vestiges of democracy in India and continue his disastrous Covid policy.”