When the 8 am ferry arrived from Swinoujscie, Poland, on June 3rd, more than 100 activists from a number of trade unions welcomed it with red
flags, sandwiches and leaflets in Polish. [1]
There were two speeches by candidates of the People’s Movement
against the EU (Folkebevaegelsen): Ole Nors Nielsen, a leader of the dockworkers’ union; and MEP Søren Søndergaard, the lead candidate.
"I welcome the Polish and Eastern European workers to Denmark. The
People’s Movement against the EU support the workers’ right to go to
other countries in search of work.. But we can not accept that foreign
workers are abused by social dumping and subjected to unacceptable and
often fatal workplaces" said Søndergaard in his speech.
"Unfortunately, the EU today allows the under-payment of foreign workers.
It must be stopped. That’s why the People’s Movement therefore calls on
the government and parliament to decide that foreign workers must work
according to Danish standards. Work performed in Denmark, must be
performed by existing Danish agreements." [2]
There should be equal work on equal terms: that is the clear message
from Søndergaard.
For more information, contact:
Søren Søndergaard, MEP for the People’s Movement, on 40 45 38 49 /