Everyone agrees, in Greece and elsewhere: the wild decision of the Prime Minister Samaras to announce, at midday on Tuesday 10 June, the closing of the public audio-visual service ERT for the same evening is surprising and of course requires explanation. And a massive response!
IV460 - May 2013 PDF
31 May 2013, byIV 460 May 2013 PDF can be downloaded here
The role of the left in Syriza
27 May 2013, byThis contribution was made by Sotiris Martalis during the debate on broad parties at the March 2013 meeting of the Fourth International’s International Committee.
Commodification and rationing
26 May 2013, byThe basis of the health policy of the European Union (EU) is the Treaty of Lisbon, composed of the TEU (Treaty on the EU, known as the Treaty of Maastricht) and the TFEU (Treaty on the Functioning of the EU, which comes from the European Constitutional Treaty rejected by referendum in France and the Netherlands in 2005 and has not been much amended).
Free Alexei Gaskarov and the Prisoners of May 6!
22 May 2013, byAlexei Gaskarov, a Russian social activist and economist, was arrested in Moscow on April 27, 2013. Gaskarov first became known to the broader public both in Russia and abroad in 2010, as one of the “Khimki hostages,” when he was arrested the day after a grassroots protest action in the Moscow suburb of Khimki, apparently because of his role as a spokesman for the anti-fascist and environmental movements. After three months in a pretrial detention facility and a triumphant acquittal on all charges, Gaskarov did not give up his activism. On the contrary, he became even more involved in numerous campaigns and causes. Having gained fame as an anti-fascist, Gaskarov has over the past two years become a visible young public politician thanks to his energy, intelligence, passion, and commitment.
UKIP results shame the left
21 May 2013, byThe worst possible response to the local council elections at the beginning of May in which UKIP won 25% of the vote would be complacency. For this result is shameful for both Labour and for the left-of-Labour left. While it’s true that the mainly rural areas and small town being polled are the heartland of sections of the petty bourgeoisie and not at all representative of the electorate in general, for all that the result is dispiriting and frustrating.
The lefts in the crisis
20 May 2013, byThe situation of the "lefts" cannot be understood without starting from the crisis, its multiple dimensions and its effects on the social and political field. Hitting head-on all the organizations and parties linked to the history of the workers’ movement, precipitating ruptures, it obliges political forces to recompose around new axes. The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the collapse of the Soviet bloc announced a new era: the current upheavals give this era its content. The present crisis is global: in economic terms, it is the consequence of an over-accumulation of capital, an overproduction of goods and commodities and an under-consumption of the masses. The “real economy” of the imperialist centres is settling into a long-term recessive logic, and none of the "orthodox" economic experts ventures onto the theme of a "way out of the crisis”.
Election 2013: A right wing victory
20 May 2013, byA right wing wave swept Pakistan general elections on 11th May 2013. At Federal level, conservative A right wing wave swept Pakistan general elections on 11th May 2013. At Federal level, conservative Muslim League Nawaz will form the government with 35 percent of votes at federal level. Pakistan former cricket captain Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek Insaaf came second with 19 percent of vote and surprised many. Pakistan People’s Party, the Bhuttos’ ruling party for the last five years came third with only 15 percent of votes, thanks to Sindh where it was able to fetch most of the votes. Muslim League Nawaz will form the government with 35 percent of votes at federal level. Pakistan former cricket captain Imran Khan Pakistan Tehreek Insaaf came second with 19 percent of vote and surprised many. Pakistan People’s Party, the Bhutto’s ruling party for the last five year came third with only 15 percent of votes, thanks to Sindh where it was able to fetch most of the votes.
A left government to conquer the debt
16 May 2013, by1. The Portuguese problem is democratic. This problem is the democratic answer to the blackmail of debt and the austerity that results from it, with social effects that destroy Portugal. This is the problem of problems.
“It is necessary to propose a radical, anti-systemic, anti-capitalist alternative: ecosocialism”
12 May 2013, by ,Greetings from Michaël Lowy to the Founding Assembly of the Ecosocialist Network in Quebec, followed by an interview datelined 12 March 2013.
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