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"A world where all worlds fit in"

Resolution of the International Executive Committee of the Fourth International

Saturday 10 March 2001

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1. Today, neo-liberal globalisation faces ever broader, more sustained and radical social resistance. The idea that "another world is possible" was asserted strongly at the recent World Social Forum in Porto Alegre. This was not only an expression of rebellion, protest and revolt against the tyranny of the market but as a multicolour mirror of the plural and massive experiences of struggle and, above all, as the desire to construct a popular and democratic, anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist alternative.

2. The Zapatista movement has been a key factor in this change of climate. From its initial uprising in January 1994 and then through calling the first Intercontinental encounter for humanity and against neo-liberalism, the EZLN has become an unavoidable political and moral reference point. All those who, on the basis of their own struggles, oppose the conservative counter-reforms carried out in the name of "modernisation" are part of the same process. Without doubt, the EZLN has been a fundamental protagonist in this movement for "another world is possible". This movement became visible at Seattle but had in truth been gestating for some years previously, with struggles that reject concessions like that of the Zapatistas and the expression of struggles of the indigenous, peasant, trade-union movement, the movements of the unemployed, of women, for human rights and many other popular sectors.

3. Now the EZLN is beginning a new phase of struggle with the launch - after the historic defeat of the PRI - of a challenge to the new government. It is marching to Mexico City to demand the fulfilment of the San Andres Accords and their translation into legal and constitutional reforms. The EZLN sees this as a decisive step towards a peace with dignity, one that respects and recognises the rights of the indigenous peoples of Mexico. They see the fulfilment of the San Andres Accords as necessary for a political exit from the conflict, along with the release of Zapatista prisoners and the withdrawal of the federal army from their communities.

4. Struggles against capitalist "neo-liberal globalization" such as the struggle of the Zapatistas, but also experiences like the Participatory Budget in Porto Alegre, Brazil, the recent victory of the popular and indigenous movement in Ecuador, or the campaigns against Plan Colombia and the imperialist project of AFTA, show that there is a growing movement of resistance to the powers-that-be which can actually win some victories and struggle for "a world where all worlds can fit in".

5. The Fourth International reaffirms its solidarity with the struggle of the EZLN, its March and its demands, and also salutes the Indigenous National Congress which is currently meeting. This militant position will be expressed both through the work of our comrades in Mexico and also in the field of internationalist solidarity.

February 21, 2001