Three weeks before the opening of the debate in the European Parliament, the mobilisation against the Bolkestein circular is becoming stronger. Preparations are under way for the demonstration that will take place in Strasbourg on February 11th, three days before the debate in the European Parliament opens.
Will Evo Morales Change Bolivia?
29 January 2006, byJeffery Webber argues that the sceptics - leftists who are pessimistic about the prospects of Evo Morales leading a radical, reforming government - are probably right.
First Reflections On The Electoral Victory Of Hamas
29 January 2006, byThe sweeping electoral victory of Hamas is but one of the products of the intensive use made by the United States in the Muslim world, since the 1950’s, of Islamic fundamentalism as an ideological weapon against both progressive nationalism and communism.
The tsunami - one year after
24 January 2006, byOn December 26 2005, Sri Lankans commemorated the first anniversary of the disastrous Tsunami that brought fear and devastation that will remain and haunt their minds for many years to come. The Tsunami not only washed away human lives and homes but also represented a thundering blow to the economy that may take several decades to rebuild.
"The nationalisation of hyrdocarbons will be our first task"
21 January 2006, byAfter his unchallengeable victory in the presidential election of 18th December, the leader of the Bolivian peasants and indigenous people, president of the Movement towards socialism (MAS), Evo Morales, was interviewed in his campaign headquarter in La Paz by our correspondent in
Bolivia, Herve Do Alto.
Defending the SSP model - a reply to the SWP
18 January 2006, byThe international perspectives document for the recent conference of the Socialist Workers Party (England and Wales) carries an attack on the Scottish Socialist Party and similar attempts to construct broad socialist parties. Alan Thornett takes issue with the document’s approach.
A bad internationalism - and unenlightened ideas about the Brazilian PT
17 January 2006, byIn the October issue Francois Sabado welcomed the formation of the P-SOL as a left break with the Brazilian Workers Party (PT). Joaquim Soriano, of the Democracia Socialista tendency in the PT takes issue with his position
Where Does the Left Come From?
14 January 2006, byMagdalena Ostrowska interviews Boguslaw Zietek president of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions “Sierpien 80” and the Polish Party of Labour.
Slum dwellers organise against demolitions
11 January 2006, byThe recent spate of demolitions has brought slum dwellers together and an umbrella organization “Jan Aandolan” (People’s Movement) has been formed. In its first state wide protest program, rallies and demonstrations were held on 21st December demanding Housing as the Fundamental Right.
The Case for Immediate Withdrawal
10 January 2006, byIn this long interview with Bill Weinberg, Gilbert Achcar examines the case for Iraq withdrawal, the contending forces in Iraq and the historical background of the struggle.
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