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Ten proposals of the LCR-100% Left

Saturday 15 June 2002, by Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire

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LCR-100% Left candidates for the parliamentary elections put forward this action programme:

  1. A law forbidding collective redundancies because it is intolerable to allow bosses and shareholders the right to condemn entire regions to disaster. A job is a right, we must fight unemployment.
  2. A law defending public services, creating the 3000 000 jobs necessary in the health service, education, transports. A stop to privatisations.
  3. Immediate increase of 230 Euros per month in all wages, social benefits and pensions, end full wage equality between women and men. Elimination of VAT on basic necessities.
  4. Respect for young people who suffer from casualisation and exploitation at work, from racism and discrimination. First-time job-seekers high-school and university students should have an independence allowance of 700 Euros per month. Cannabis should be legalised.
  5. Full-time work for women should be guaranteed, accompanied by the creation of a free public service of nurseries and childcare.
  6. A policy of real equal rights: decent housing for all, regularising all immigrants without papers, the right to vote for foreign residents.
  7. Faced with acts of violence, the response cannot be "law and order". We must develop social services, policies of prevention and aid to victims and employ the number of teachers and youth workers necessary.
  8. Guarantee full pension and retirement rights at 60. By reducing unemployment and creating jobs, there will be more people paying for pensions; Equality between the private and public sectors, 37.5 years of pensions contributions for all.
  9. An ecological policy that breaks with the profit logic means laws to defend public health (ban on GM foods), protection of the population against industrial risks and a fight against pollution. There should be an immediate decision to withdraw from the nuclear industry.
  10. A policy that refuses to implement all the anti-social decisions of Maastricht Europe and that fights for a social and democratic Europe, and for relations of justice and solidarity with the rest of the world.