The extent of the mobilization is completely new. Every day, the ineptitude, the corruption, the cynicism and the social indifference of Peña Nieto and his government to the service of the multinationals and of Washington become more and more obvious and provoke popular anger. How could it be otherwise in a country that since the 1980s has been subjected to savage destruction of the social, economic, political and cultural heritage of the Mexican Revolution? The Mexican ruling classes, like Washington, are starting to distance themselves from their embarrassing servant. We guess that on that side they are starting to think how to save what they can. As Pepe Mujica, the Uruguyan president, said the Mexican linked to criminal elements. Under these conditions, the risk of brutal repression which would impose terror as it did in 1968 and 1969, although real and wished for by some, would be as an adventure whose political cost would probably exceed the advantages.
What solution to the crisis of the regime?
The risk of a replacement of Peña Nieto ensuring the continuity of the regime is quite real. A rotten solution in which the current institutions and institutional parties (PRI, SIDE, PRD) would try to sell the convocation of anticipated elections or the cold convocation of a new Constituent Assembly must be avoided at all costs. It is the very broad popular movement which must take the initiative and sweep away the debris of a regime in collapse. What was possible in Bolivia, Ecuador or in Venezuela is also possible in Mexico. The great movement of 20 November must support the unity between the student movement, democratic trade unionism, the community police and the innumerable urban and rural expressions of popular self-organization. It is the coming together of all the fightbacks resistances which will make it possible to impose the social transformations that Mexico cannot wait for any longer.