Activists in Europe are beginning to coordinate action strategies in favor of food sovereignty at the local, national, and continental levels. As these networks bring in new players, they gather strength. The task is not easy, but food sovereignty movements and anti-globalization movements are steadily building a common front behind a call popularized by La VÃa Campesina: “Globalize struggle, globalize hope.”
Rising extremism, war on terrorism and women’s lives in Pakistan
16 February 2010, byWhat is really needed is a united class-based struggle against the rotten system of capitalism, which is directly encouraging religious extremism and feudalism to continue. Capitalism, coopting with feudalism and extremism can not create the conditions in which women can enjoy full rights, freedom and equality.
Ilham Moussaid : statement by the National Executive Committee of the NPA
15 February 2010Ilham Moussaid : statement by the National Executive Committee of the NPA, February 8, 2010
Beyond the World Social Forum ... the Fifth International
14 February 2010, byEric Toussaint, a doctor in political science and a member of the International Council of the World Social Forum (WSF), is in favour of the WSF becoming a platform of greater political influence in social struggles throughout the world. He is not particularly worried about the resistance of certain sectors within the Forum who would prefer this event to retain its original form. For him, the solution is simple. “If the Forum cannot accommodate it, we must build another instrument, without leaving or scrapping the Forum.”
Postal workers have to pay for privatization
13 February 2010, by ,Grenzeloos, journal of SAP, the Dutch section of the Fourth International, looked across Europe to ask to what extent the current state in the privatized postal company is particularly Dutch.
Bravura expression of growing left influence in Pakistan
8 February 2010, byThe two-day Labour Party Pakistan Fifth congress helped to advance the revolutionary process in Pakistan. It brought together comrades from different traditions and trends to discuss the central topic: “build a mass working-class party independent of the influence of the capitalists and feudal elements.” The congress was a bravura expression of the growing influence and strength of emerging left-wing politics in Pakistan.