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For a democratic and socialist Kazakhstan! Stop the intervention, release the detainees!

Saturday 8 January 2022, by Russian Socialist Movement (RSD)

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Mass protests have been going on in Kazakhstan for several days. The detonator of the uprising was the rise in prices for liquefied gas, but it is obvious that the contradictions, which eventually led to a social explosion, accumulated in Kazakhstan for years.

At the moment, the protesters are forming their own self-governing bodies, in some cities administrative buildings and offices of law enforcement agencies have been taken by storm.

Despite the fact that the country’s nominal president, Kosym-Zharmat Tokayev, tried to calm the people down by freezing gas prices and the resignation of the government, the protests only intensified and entered a new phase, which speaks of deep-rooted discontent with authoritarian-bureaucratic capitalism in Kazakhstan.

The vanguard of the protest is the working class, and we are convinced that only it will be able to carry through to the end the democratic transformations, without which the struggle for freedom, democracy and socialism is impossible. Only the working people and all the progressive forces of Kazakhstan will be able to bring the revolution to its goal, without looking back at the lulling speeches of the government and not handing over the fate of the protest into the hands of "democratic" opposition politicians.

We stand in solidarity with the insurgent people of Kazakhstan, demanding:
• Immediately release all detained protesters and political prisoners.
• Stop the military intervention of the CSTO member states.

We call on the Kazakh left to participate in the protests and defense of Kazakhstan against military incursion. Introduce a socialist agenda into the program of the insurgent people of Kazakhstan and build their own independent political organization.

The statement was signed by:

  • Russian Socialist Movement,
  • Executive Committee of the movement "Labor Russia",
  • Altleft.org website editorial office,
  • Interregional Coalition of Left Forces "Left Bloc",
  • Marxist Tendency.

6 January 2022


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