The articles in the June 2008 issue of International Viewpoint can be downloaded in PDF format.
The New Anti-capitalist Party is on the march!
30 June 2008We are thousands of workers, men and women, from the cities and the countryside, with or without employment, with or without papers, young people, pensioners, precarious workers, activists from political organisations, trade-unions, associations, new and old, who are in the process of making this project a reality.
More Free Trade, More Hunger
27 June 2008, byThe recent conference of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation did nothing to solve the world food crisis; on the contrary the final statements only reinforce the root causes of that crisis.
Building a new anti-capitalist party
26 June 2008, byFollowing on the meeting of the National Leadership (DN) of the LCR over the weekend of May 17-18, some elements on the progress of the process of building the new anti-capitalist party (NPA)
Rewritten European Union Constitution Buried?
23 June 2008, byVoters in the Republic of Ireland drove a stake through the heart of the Lisbon Treaty, a rewrite of the European Union Constitution, in a Referendum which took place on June 12 – The result was announced on Friday June 13 2008.
Eleven points to face the crisis of the Italian Left
17 June 2008, byFollowing the defeat of the left in the recent Italian election abnd the ejection of Communist Refoundation from parliament, Sinistra Critica present their views on how a new left might be refounded.
The World Economy and the Credit Crisis
14 June 2008, byThe current credit crisis is throwing into question the whole of the neoliberal, free market, order that when the post-war boom went into crisis in the mid-1970s, it was eventually resolved in the mid-1980s by a new economic order, neoliberalism.
The meaning of May 1968
14 June 2008, by ,The general strike of May-June ’68 in France is being hotly debated in franc itself and elsewhere. Revolution? Pre-revolutionary situation? What’s the truth of what happened?
May 68 and the Paris conference of the European anti-capitalist left
10 June 2008, by ,From May 31 –June 1, 2008 an important political initiative called by France’s Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire (LCR) to mark the 40th anniversary of May 1968 took place in Paris: an international meeting and a conference of political formations of the European anti-capitalist left.
The international situation facing the European left
7 June 2008, byWe must carry out seriously, together or separately, reflexions and debates which bring up to date the perspective of socialism, of a socialism for the 21st century.
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