For our organizations, it is perfectly clear that the mass dismissal of forty-four thousand workers, organized within the Mexican electricians trade union (SME), had no other goal than the privatization of the electrical industry the destruction of a democratic and combative trade union. Two years after the beginning of the conflict, the SME continues to carry out an exemplary, internationally-recognized fight back.
On September 13th, 2011, the government of Felipe Calderón, via the Secretary of Government, undertook to ensure the re-employment of 16,599 women and men workers who had fought against the liquidation of the company, as well as the release of 12 electrician political prisoners, unjustly imprisoned. Up to now, the government has not respected its commitments.
We demand that the immediate reinstatement of the workers in struggle and the release of the political prisoners.
International Committee of the Fourth International,
Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores (PRT-Mexico),
Labour Party of Pakistan (LPP Pakistan),
Nava Saama Samaja Party (NSSP Sri Lanka),
Movimiento de Unidad Socialista (MUS-Mexico),
Gauche Socialiste (Quebec, Canadá),
RSB (Germany),
Jeunes du NPA (France),
OKDE-Spartakos (Greece),
Ligue Communiste Revolutionnaire (Belgiulm),
Agrupación Popular Socialista Revolucionaria (APSR, Portugal),
Corriente Enlace del PSOL (Brazil),
Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (France),
Socialistisk Partiet (Sweden),
Izquierda Anticapitalista (Estado Español),
Antikapitalistak (Euskal Herria, Basque Country),
Ligue de la Gauche Ouvrière (Tunisia),
La Lucha Continua (Perú),
Communist Party of Bangladesh (M-L) (Bangladesh),
MST (Argentina),
Marea Socialista (Venezuela),
International Socialist League (Germany),
Solidarity (USA),
Socialist Action (USA),
MES-PSOL (Brazil),
Al Mounadil-A (Morocco),
Peoples Liberation Party (Indonesia),
Revolutionary Workers’ Party-Mindanao (Philippines),
Revolutionary Socialist Party (Australia),
Colectivo Feminista (Ecuador),
Revolutionary Communist Leage (Japón),
Sinistra Critica (Italia),
Groupe Revolutionnaire Socialiste (Martinique),
Russian Socialist Movement (Russia),
Jeunesse Anti-capitaliste (Belgium),
Socialist Resistance (Britain)