Gerry Foley was asked to be the first editor and lynchpin of International Viewpoint as the English-language voice of the Fourth International, a role that was no longer played by Intercontinental Press published in New York under the auspices of the SWP.
International Viewpoint was launched with Issue 0 at the end of 1981 and began regular production in 1982. Gerry’s knowledge of Eastern Europe society and languages was important in helping us to follow what was happening in Poland, notably in the early years of the magazine, and then later in the decade the events leading to and following the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Fluent in Spanish and Portuguese, he also followed events in Latin America, the development of the PT in Brazil, the aftermath of the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua, the development of the PRT in Mexico. Gerry Foley returned to the US in the early 1990s to work on Socialist Action.
Gerry brought to the new magazine the experience of the best days of IP and the SWP. He had been, as he was proud to tell us, trained by Joseph Hansen in high standards of factual accuracy and meticulous sub-editing. This was however secondary to his broad international experience and knowledge, and impressive linguistic ability, which enabled him to feed the magazine with material from political, social and progressive movements from around the world. The continuing existence of IVP today, albeit in online format, stands as tribute to Gerry’s contribution in creating and maintaining it.
For a fuller apprectiation see Gerry Foley: A Life Dedicated to Socialist Revolution by Jeff Mackler.