“It is urgent not to give way in the face of the current wave, to build the necessary bulwarks with all those who are not resigned to the prospect of the worst, to bring to life solidarity and the prospect of another world in the face of the ongoing disaster.”
1979 in Reverse
29 June 2021, by“At this stage, one of the few things that can be said with confidence is that the possibility of tasting once again the flavour of popular victories is a just little greater than it was five months ago.”
On the Arrests of Italian Militants in France
28 June 2021, byQ: On 28 April, seven militants of the 1970s Italian revolutionary left were arrested in France, in the so-called "Red Shadows" sting operation. The Italian justice system accuses them of a series of crimes, allegedly committed between 1972 and 1982, ranging from subversive association to murder. Grey-haired men and women, each between 60 and 78 years of age — exiles who have been living in refuge in France for years — they were put in handcuffs at dawn and taken off to anti-terrorist strongrooms. La Repubblica tells us that this was about "closing the book on the twentieth century" — is that the case?
Hungary: pre-election situation and emergence of a new anticapitalist left
27 June 2021, byInterview with Annajuli Rosenfeld (Solidarity Action Group), Péter Somogyi (Spark), and Zoltán Sidó and Ágnes Gagyi (Solidarity Economy Center)
“Infrastructure” is all the rage, and not only...
26 June 2021, by“In short, the answer to our question “Infrastructure. Who Needs It:” Capital needs it. Workers and families need it. Black, brown, Indigenous and rural communities need it. We all need it.”
Massive mobilisations in Greece against a slavery law
25 June 2021, byIn recent weeks, there has been a very strong mobilization in Greece against a draft law on working time and trade union freedoms.
From revolt to process
24 June 2021, by“It is the people that will now do what the post-dictatorial governments did not achieve in 30 years: to put an end to Pinochet’s legacy and thereby open up a new way of organizing life in Chile.”
From civil disobedience to armed resistance - what new Myanmar can emerge from today’s challenges?
23 June 2021, by“Long-term resistance must be matched by the development of long-term political and financial solidarity.”
Detroit’s Tale of Two Water Crises
22 June 2021, by“Ultimately, we cannot end water or other utility shutoffs without working toward a world without evictions, foreclosures, homelessness and poverty wages. We must work toward a world where everyone has access to decent and affordable housing, living-wage jobs, healthcare, and clean air and water. That necessarily requires fighting for a socialist future.”
COVID-19 Vaccine Apartheid: No One Is Safe from Big Pharma
21 June 2021, by“What’s needed is a reorganization of the way health care, public health, and biomedicine is organized and delivered, locally and globally. Human lives should not have a price tag; health should not be sacrificed to profit.”