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Open letter from Socialist Worker New Zealand
31 October 2007, byYour comrades in the International Socialist Tendency in Socialist Worker - New Zealand, have watched what appears to be the unfolding disengagement of the Socialist Workers Party (Britain) from RESPECT - the Unity Coalition with gradually mounting concern, anxiety and frustration.
The bursting of the American housing bubble
31 October 2007, byA speculative bubble can relate to assets that are real (property, land, etc.) or financial (shares, etc.) ; it manifests itself by an increasingly rapid rise in the prices of these assets. They end up by reaching such levels as appear excessive, even making an optimistic evaluation of the future profits which can be expected. The bursting of the bubble manifests itself by an opposite process, by a continuous and often brutal fall in these prices.
Call for a greater Left unity
31 October 2007, byThere has been never any other better time in history of Pakistan for a greater Left unity than the present time. There is great urge among all the Left and progressive forces to unite on one plate form.
How the SWP’s bureaucratic factionalism is wrecking Respect
31 October 2007, by ,No one who supports left unity could be anything other than deeply disheartened by the turn of events inside Respect, which has created a crisis that threatens the future of the organisation. The current crisis is unnecessary and the product of the political line and methods of organisation of the Socialist Workers Party.
The Burmese crisis, its roots and the urgency of solidarity
28 October 2007, byDemonstrations are rare things in Burma. Under the yoke of a military junta which is among the most repressive in the world, the population has not forgotten the violence of the repression of the demonstrations for democracy in 1988 which ended in the death of at least 3,000 demonstrators and thousands of arrests.
National March in Defence of Rights
28 October 2007, byUnder the strong morning sun, on October 24 the Brazilian Capital was changed into the Red Capital in defence of our rights, conquered for the Brazilian people throughout many years of struggle and threatened by the neoliberal agenda implemented by the Lula government.
Benazir urged to change her strategy of cooperation with the military regime
20 October 2007, byFarooq Tariq general Secretary Labour Party Pakistan and secretary Pakistan Kissan Rabita Committee (peasant coordination committee) addressed a press conference today on 19th October at Lahore Press Club. They expressed solidarity with and deep sorrow for the families of those who died during a suicidal attack in Karachi on 18th October during the rally of Pakistan Peoples Party.
For a federalism that is social and based on solidarity
20 October 2007, byThe recent elections have provoked debate on the left about the crisis of the federal Belgian state. This contribution by journalist Chris Den Hond illustrates many of the issues under discussion; it should not be taken as a formal expression of the views of our Belgian section.
Growing polarization to the left and to the extreme right
20 October 2007, byThe September 16 election held in Greece was marked by the catastrophic forest fires at the end of August which destroyed large parts of the western Peloponnese, Euboea and other parts of the country. Sixty-seven people and 70,000 animals burnt to death, and some villages were destroyed.
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