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Free time over the holidays?
Thursday 27 December 2018
Catch up with this bonanza of articles: Asia and Europe in Changing Geopolitics, Rising Powers, Peoples’ Security, A Lesson in How Not to Mitigate Climate Change, An open history: Blanqui and Bensaïd and this obituary of a comrade Helena Lopes da Silva (1949-2018) active in both Cape Verde and Portugal. There is also Adam Smith and the Yellow Vest Movement. and An Overview of Chinese Debt from Eric Toussaint and two pieces from Michael Lowy: Why Ecosocialism: For a Red-Green Future and Mariátegui’s Heroic Socialism. Then there is Charlie Hore’s review of Gregor Benton’s new book: Trotskyism in China and Dianne Feeley’s consideration of 2 books around The Poisoning of Flint.