The smoke has cleared, or more accurately thickened, over the U.S. midterm election results. The result of the Georgia Senate runoff means that Democratic control of the Senate (51-49) will become a bit less razor-thin. Has the crisis of “our democracy” passed? Not by a long shot.
Election Results in Israel: Full-steam Right
30 December 2022, by“Thirty years of the Oslo Accords, thirty years of the apartheid regime, thirty years of concession after concession by the Zionist Left to the extreme Right, thirty years of refusing cooperation with Arab society, thirty years of maintaining the “national consensus” -– all of these paved the way for Ben Gvir.”
Fifth Congress of the NPA: A door opened to hope
29 December 2022, by“The turning point that this congress represents in the history of the NPA also comes at a political moment in which the terrain on the French left is moving and which demands political reflection, tactical flexibility and capacity for dialogue with the other political forces. ”
Financing the 30x 30 agenda for the Oceans: Debt for Nature swaps should be rejected
28 December 2022, byA statement from a variety of campaigning organisations about the debates at COP 15 on biodiversity in Montreal from December 7-19 issued during the debates there
Golpe in Peru: Castillo under arrest, people demand a constituent assembly
27 December 2022, by“It is very doubtful that Peru’s oligarchy will be able to bring political stability to the country. Since 2016 the country has had 6 presidents, none of whom has completed their mandate, and the impeachment of Castillo has let the genie (militant mass mobilizations) out of the bottle and it looks pretty unlikely they will be able to put it back. ”
Class Struggle in Wartime
25 December 2022, by“Unfortunately, war is not the only enemy of Ukrainian workers, who are simultaneously facing frontal attacks from their own government on labour rights and trade union freedoms.”
End the Islamic Republic!
24 December 2022, by“Despite the crackdown, the regime has failed to quell the uprising. To save their power and privileges, its dignitaries have decided to take it to the next level. The judiciary holds show trials and sentences detainees to long prison terms. Death sentences are multiplying.”
Graduate Workers Win a Strike; Starbuck Workers Organize One
23 December 2022, by“They’re doubling down on their union-busting, so we’re doubling down, too,” said Michelle Eisen, a barista from a Starbucks café in Buffalo, New York that was the first to vote for the union a year ago.
Solidarity with the mass movement for democracy in China
21 December 2022, byFI supporters in the Chinese diaspora outline the significance of the ongoing protest movement in China and their stance to it in this statement approved by the Bureau.
A football victory does not erase the Hogra
19 December 2022, by ,“Even if a football victory succeeds in making people forget for a few days their terrible living conditions, the feeling of discontent and contempt (Hogra) of the working classes will return.”