The sufferings of millions of people know no bound. There are different points where people are marooned by the water logging. Most of the people take shelter on the dams, high land, etc. There they are staying under open sky in sub-human life. They are unfed and half-feed for 4 days or five days, even more. They do not know when they will be able to go back home.
The government initiative is not satisfactory either. They can not reach all the people because their support is insufficient. On other hand, there is allegedly report of corruption with relief support of the government. The allocated amount of relief does not reach the affected people. It has been grabbed on the way to them.
Few NGOs are working for them but their help is very symbolic. They distributed the relief among few people but publicity is enormous.
So far the death toll is 104. Thy are drowned in flood water, biten by snake, etc. As they flood water is lingering to recede, the water born deceases spreads quickly. Already people started to die of diarrhea, severe fever, cholera, dysentery, etc. All the tube-wells which is their only source of pure drinking water have gone under water. So there is dire scarcity of pure drinking water. At nigh they live in dark, no electricity, no light. The condition of women and children are quick vulnerable. The devastating flood will claim more lives, no doubt.
We, Bangladesh Krishok Federation and other associate organizations, decided to stand by our members in the northern districts in Kurigram where we have our big settlement of landless people. There are 2500 families living in rail way abandoned land since 2004. They are also seriously affected by the unexpected flood. People say this flood is more dreadful than the flood occurred in 1988 which also claimed a lot of people and damaged seriously the economy of the country.
Following is our budget to help the people who are extremely suffering due to flood disaster. We decided to give support with humanitarian goods for 500 families.
The objectives of the proposition is 1) to support the affected members of the organization so that they can survive the flood water 2) to make them feel that the organizations are with them in their difficult situation 3) to increase their level of confidence that they need to fight for their survival for which they need organization.
Movement of people in the flood water.
Everything almost sunk into flood water. People are living in the roof of the house.
1. 20 Kg of rice: 10KgX60Tk.per KgX500 families = Tk. 300000/-
2. 2 kg of pulse: 2KgX100Tk per KgX500 families = Tk.100000/-
3. 1 Kg of onion: 1KgX50Tk. per KgX500 families = Tk. 25000/-
4. 1/2 Kg garlic: 1/2KgXTk.160 per KgX500 families = Tk. 40000/-
5. 1/4 Kg Pepper: 1/4KgXTk.140 per KgX 500 = Tk. 17500/-
6. 2 Piece of candle : 2 piecesXTk.10 per pieceX500 = Tk. 10000/-
7. 1 piece match: 1 pieceXTk.3 per pieceX 500 = Tk. 1500/-
8. Transport cost: = Tk. 10000/-
9. Administrative cost: = Tk.15000/-
Total expenditure = Tk. 519000/-
In Euro: 5641
In word: Five Thousand Six Hundred Forty One Taka Only
We sincerely request to have urgent cooperation from our well-wishers and supporters at home and abroad to provide with humanitarian support so that we can stand by our severely affected members who are still floating in the flood water in the north Bengal.
ASM Badrul Alam
Bangladesh Krishok Federation