– The international situation, verifying and deepening the analysis laid out at the Congress around the central themes of the deepening neo-liberal counter-reform, the continuing lack of stabilization of a new world order, the crisis of legitimacy of traditional political structures and the opening of a new space for radical anti-capitalist resistance. The report is published in this issue.
– The successful international meeting of radical anti-capitalist parties which took place in Mumbai during the World Social Forum. A full report will be published in our next issue.
– The situation in Brazil. The evolution of the situation, and notably of the Lula government characterized in the international political report as “one of the best pupils of the IMF” and “having adapted to the logic of liberal counter-reforms”, raise many questions as to the tactics and strategy of the left in the PT, among them our comrades of the DS who reaffirmed last November their intention to fight to win the majority of the PT back to its historical class struggle programme. The expulsion of parliamentarians, including Heloisa Helena of the DS, makes this a more difficult perspective. The IC decided to open an international internal bulletin to discuss the situation in Brazil.
– The World Social Forum in Mumbai as well as the recent European Social Forum of Paris-St Denis and other regional initiatives of the global justice movement. The discussion confirmed the continuing extension of this movement and the possibility it offers for bringing new layers and new regions - demonstrated by the success in India - into a radical challenge to the capitalist system, even if this remains nevertheless uneven.
– The situation in the European Union in the run up to the European elections and the attempts by both the reformist and radical anti-capitalist left to be present at a EU-wide level in those elections. The context was also analysed in a further report, a brief summary of which is also published.
Continental-based meetings enabled the members to discuss more concretely their common tasks on a regional level.
The meeting also welcomed the presence of a long-time supporter from Syria only recently released from prison.
The meeting was equally marked by the presence and active participation of observers from organizations with which the Fourth International maintains fraternal relations: the International Socialist Movement from Scotland, the Democratic Socialist Perspective from Australia, and the International Socialist Organization from the USA.