The forty-nine Syriza MPs who signed the letter addressed to the Greek Parliament declare: “after the publication of the preliminary conclusions of the Truth Committee on the Public Debt of our country, according to which the greatest part of the debt is odious and illegitimate, our people cannot be held responsible for that, and moreover the debt is the result of the transformation of the crisis of the private banks into a crisis of the national debt into Greece, with the aim of saving the French and German banks”.
“We suggest that the proposal is cosigned so that a debate in a plenary session is opened in order to have a discussion on the results of the Truth Committee on the Public Debt of our country and to strengthen the demand and the fight of the government and the Greek people for the cancellation on greatest part of the debt”, underlined the Syriza MPs in their conclusions.
Petrakos Thanasis,
Thomas Kotsias,
Samoilis Stefanos,
Dimanche (Voula) Tectonidis,
Eugenia Ouzounidou,
Oursouzidis George,
Costas Zacharias,
Evangelia (Litsa) Ammanatidou,
Evangelia Vagionakis,
Merope Tzoufi,
Vangelis Diamantopoulos,
Despina Charalambidou,
Stathis Leoutsakos,
Kritsotakis Michael,
Ilias Ioannidis,
Elena Psarrou,
Katerina Papanatsiou,
Chrisoula Katsavrias - Sioropoulou,
John Stathas,
KODELA Dimitris,
John Dedes,
Limite Christos,
Eleni Sotiriou,
Maria Kanellopoulos,
Athanasios Papadopoulos,
Paul Pollakis,
John Michelogiannakis,
Psychogios George,
Costas Lapavitsas,
Marios Katsis,
Peter Constantina,
Froso Karasarlidou,
Stathis Giannakidis,
Rachel Makris,
Skoumas Thanasis,
Syrmalenios Nikos,
Césium George,
Socrate Famellos,
Nektarios Santorin,
Kamateros Elias,
Hussein Zeybek,
Foteini Vaki,
Zisis Zannas,
Kostas Delimitros,
Chatzilamprou Claus,
Bassins Alexandra,
Natasha Gary,
Kostas Barkas,
Mission Karanastasi
Translated from CADTM.