Revolta Global, the FI organisation in Catalonia, explain why they oppose the new ’Statute’ on Catalan autonomy, prepared by the Catalan government and further wartered down by the government of the Spanish state.
The Karachi Social Forum and its international significance
23 April 2006, byAfter Bamako (Mali) and Caracas (Venezuela) last January, Karachi constituted the third wing of the World Social Forum, in its “polycentric” version of 2006. Meeting from March 24-29 in the main industrial centre and port of Pakistan, it proved to be a success both in terms of numbers and of politics.
Impressions on the movement for global justice in Africa
19 April 2006, byUnlike the two other regional sites, the Polycentric World Social Forum in Bamako was a first on the African continent. As the prelude to the 2007 World Social Forum, which will take place in Nairobi (Kenya), it was a trial run for the movement for global justice on the continent. So, what impressions has it left?
A first balance sheet
17 April 2006, by ,Two leading members of the Critical Left in Rifondazione challenge triumphalism at the defeat of Berlusconi and argue, on the contrary, that Prodi’s campaign and that of the ’Unione’ were weak, and that ’Berlusconism’ has not been confronted and socially defeated.
Ollanta Humala - Peru’s New Hope?
14 April 2006, byIn Peru, the nationalist Ollanta Humala arrived in first position in the first round of the presidential elections, on Sunday April 9, with over 30 per cent of the votes. Here we publish an assessment, plus Herve do Alto’s interview with Humala.
The challenge for Morales
12 April 2006, byWe obviously do not yet know what this new experience of a party in power that has come from social movements, will lead to. Nevertheless, Morales clearly distinguished himself from Lula da Silva and Tabare Vazquez.
Without ifs or buts, even after 9 April
12 April 2006, byWith Rifondazione Comunista (PRC) part of the Prodi-led Union coalition, the Critical Left current in the PRC set out its programmatic priorities in the electoral campaign to clearly affirm that “No to war and neoliberalism” would remain their stand after the 9 April elections. (NB This article was written before the election result was known).
The time of Alternatives
12 April 2006, byThis resolution was adopted by the Congress of the International Socialist Left (isl, one of the two public factions of the German section of the Fourth International) in December 2005.
The white flag goes up
12 April 2006, byOn the morning of April 10, the French government finally caved in. After two months of a mass campaign against the CPE (First Employment Contract), the measure was withdrawn. It is nothing more than a very unconvincing attempt by the government at saving face.
A government on the ropes
8 April 2006, by“The executive (government) is in tatters, the ministers squabble, the (parliamentary) majority is rent by divisions” says Le Monde. It is reeling under the pressure of the movement.
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