Robert Brenner, a leading Marxist theorist in the US, gave this interview to Hankyoreh, South Korea’s leading daily paper.
The swine flu crisis lays bare the meat industry’s monstrous power
30 April 2009, byMike Davis, whose 2006 book The Monster at Our Door warned of the threat of a global bird flu pandemic, explains how globalized agribusiness set the stage for a frightening outbreak of the swine flu in Mexico.
It’s not for people and workers to pay for the crisis, the capitalists should pay!
27 April 2009, byThe European Anti-Capitalist Left meeting in Strasbourg decided a common position to intervene in the European elections.
G20: their agenda and ours
21 April 2009, by ,The meaning of the policies of the main governments of the world is clear: to make the popular sectors pay the cost of the crisis and to try to prop up the present model with timid reforms that assure its viability
Pro-privatisation plans of 5th World Water Forum Denounced
16 April 2009, byThe 5th World Water Forum in Istanbul in March, bringing together governments, water companies and ’experts’, once again mapped out the future of water as a private commodity. Just as in Mexico in 2006, protesters clashed with police and demanded that access to water be considered a human right.
A G20 meeting for nothing
15 April 2009, by ,The G20 summit meeting in London from April 1st onward was loudly announced and publicized. Those 20 industrialized and emergent countries (G20) were meeting to find solutions to the crisis. But long before the end of the summit, it was clear that they would not rise to the challenge.
The time of anti-capitalist and anti-colonial contestation
14 April 2009, byIn Martinique, the general strike launched on February 5 by the Intersyndical (inter-union coordination) immediately took on, by its scale and its ongoing dynamic, just as in Guadeloupe, a political dimension of challenging the injustice, the exploitation and the oppression that exist in Martinique society
The socialist project has been betrayed and must be reinvented in the 21st century
11 April 2009, byÉric Toussaint argues in favour of globalising the anti-capitalist Left and against the social-liberal or social democrat Left, as is to be found in governments such as those of Lula, Gordon Brown, Daniel Ortega or José-Luis Zapatero.
Left perspectives on the December Revolt
10 April 2009, by ,Nearly four months after the immense youth revolt that followed the killing by a policeman of young Alexis Grigoropoulos, it is indisputable that it has become a reference point not only in Greece, but also at least in Europe, where you can hear for example on French student demonstrations: ’’Guadeloupe everywhere, a general Greece!’’.
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