Many things have been said about the Greek crisis in recent weeks, most of them obnoxious and confusing. These histories result in an argument that is aimed for export to all developed countries.
The SP at a crossroads
30 April 2010, byThings are not going well for the Dutch Socialist Party. During the last municipal elections in March the party suffered a defeat, the first time it lost in an election. The SP is the only party in the Netherlands that has always criticized neoliberalism – but now that model has stranded, the party suffers it biggest setback in its history. This makes a discussion about the party and its course more necessary than ever.
Food sovereignty: we can feed the world
19 April 2010, byFood sovereignty proves to be the best alternative to end world hunger. It is a matter of returning the control of the agricultural and food policies to the people (peasants, workers, consumers, women…), as well as their access to the land and the common goods (water, seeds…). A food sovereignty which will have to be deeply feminist, recognizing the role of women as a guarantee of food to a global level, and fighting against the oppression, not only of the capitalist system, but also of the patriarchal system.
Help us build a credible alternative
12 April 2010, byDear friends,
Help us to put forward a credible alternative to the politics of the rich
An Appeal to all friends in Social and political circles
No holds barred to establish Sinhala chauvinism
12 April 2010, byThis election is in a sense similar to the JR’s referendum which was held in 1983. It is being held just after the presidential election with the main contender for presidency being under arrest.
Violent repression of "red shirts" in Bangkok
12 April 2010, byThis week in Thailand, Abhisit Vejjajiva’s government revealed its true nature. Two sessions of negotiations with representatives of the “red shirts” quickly broke down. Under pressure from his conservative electoral base, Abhisit still refuses to dissolve the Assembly and to submit his party, the Democrat Party, to the verdict of the ballot box.
Thailand: Resolve the Crisis through Democracy, not Crackdown
12 April 2010Regional Joint Statement
Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM), Working People Association (PRP) of Indonesia, People’s Democratic Party (PRD) of Indonesia, Turn Left Thailand, Socialist Alliance of Australia
Workers against the so-called stability programme
7 April 2010, by ,As we write this article, every effort is being made in the Greek media to turn people’s attention not to the urgency of a massive and ongoing mobilization, but to the tense atmosphere of the discussions within the European Union about whether Greece “deserves” or not to be helped, and to what extent recourse to the IMF can be acceptable.
Burma: Alcatel in troubled waters
3 April 2010, byNo political progress has accompanied multinational investment in Burma. It has rather favoured a phenomenal enrichment of the ruling generals and their maintenance in power. The “constructive engagement” preached by the nations of southeast Asia has failed. The only language the Burmese regime understands is that of sanctions, in particular a ban on investment in the sectors which are most lucrative for the junta: rare woods, precious stones, minerals, oil and gas.
Thailand: New stage in the “class war”
3 April 2010, byThe Thai Red Shirts claim the government took power ’illegitimately’, backed by the Thai Army and the judiciary and call for the Parliament to be dissolved so that a general re-election can be held. Since they formed in 2006 there have been several periods of intense activity. On April 3, 2010, the group stormed the business district of Bangkok that paralyzed traffic in many intersections. In the same day, thousands of protesters rallied in front of NBT.
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