From the movements in Tunisia and Egypt leading the Arab spring, from the population of north-east Japan suffering in the aftermath of the tsunami and the Fukushima nuclear disaster, from the indignad@s of Madrid, Barcelona and Athens, International Viewpoint has published documents, reports and analysis from those involved directly and those extending solidarity to these movements.
We have also been able to publish more material outside the monthly magazine itself – in particular in our debate section where we have carried extensive material on the question of Libya – and also extended our book reviews section. In the latter case, we would like to particularly encourage our readers to send us contributions – of whatever length they choose – on any books or indeed films or music they think may be of interest to other readers.
We have also recently been able to resume the service of producing a pdf of the monthly magazine sent out to those who have subscribed to our mailing list - and in some months have also produced supplementary dossiers on particular subjects. We would very much welcome feedback as to how much these are useful to you and particularly whether you produce and distribute multiple copies of the paper magazine. We know this was the case in a number of countries of the south when the magazine first became on-line only, but wonder whether the extension of the internet has changed this subsequently. A further or alternative service would be a monthly digest with live links to the articles. Would this be a useful addition or replacement?
We are able to do all this thanks to the activists on the spot and our other contributors who take the time to send us material, but we have to turn it into articles and post them on our website. This work relies on a team of volunteers – recently strengthened by new members, which explains our renewed activity! But it does involve costs – for translation, for the website, and for the IV team to meet together occasionally to review our work and plan for the future.
Readers have in the past been generous with their donations to International Viewpoint, helping us upgrade our technical capacity. We hope that despite the economic crisis which is affecting all of us, you will be able to make a new effort to help International Viewpoint so that we can continue and extend our work.
To make a financial contribution please use the "Make a Donation" button on the left of the home page..