While our readership has continued to grow, there was a big leap in readership at the time of the Arab spring. Since then we’ve been able to regularly produce the PDF and to translate more material than ever before. We have continued to bring news from struggles across the globe, to participate in debates taking place about feminism, about LGBIQ politics, about anti-racism and about ecosocialism
To continue this work, we need your help in three ways.
First, we need a lump sum for our translators. Our translators rely on IV to pay them regularly and fairly. This year we’ve asked those comrades for more of their time than normal, and that leaves them unable to take up as much other work. 1,600 pounds will provide a lump sum to get them back where there should be.
Second, we need some regular income from readers to allow us to continue to invest at a higher level in translation and to rent a faster internet server able to support our peak days when visits go over 10,000.
Third, we want to produce some printed collections. Our readers in Britain are helping us to produce thematic collections of IV articles, starting with International Viewpoint on Resisting Trump. These will be inexpensive 104-page compact magazines, in an attractive perfect-bound format.
The two last projects will be ongoing and so we are also asking for small regular gifts. Using Paypal, you can make a small, regular donation to help support us.
To donate, please click the grey button on the left hand column of internationalviewpoint.org or follow this link or make a bank transfer to our account:
Barclays Bank: account number 40259691; sort code 20-26-20
IBAN code is: IBAN GB30 BARC 2026 2040 2596 91
We also have a US dollar account:
sort code 202620 : account number 58908599
IBAN code is IBAN GB15 BARC 2026 2058 9085 99