The offensive that US imperialism and its allies have been waging on a world scale since 11 September 2001 is consistent with the strategic choices that the world imperialist system has been implementing continuously since the collapse of the USSR.
On the Brazilian situation
9 March 2005The experience of two years of the Lula government clearly demonstrates this government’s orientation and the policies it is carrying out. This is a coalition government with representatives of capital, dependent on the parliamentary right. These two years also show that the internal dynamic of its policies cannot be changed.
Letter from FI leaders to the Brazilian DS
8 March 2005, by , ,This letter was sent to the the Brazilian DS at the end of January and subsequently endorsed by the Fourth International’s International Committee.
Appeal - Extend international solidarity to Filipino left
5 March 2005All sections of the independent, progressive and revolutionary left are today under military threat from the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and its armed wing, the NPA.
On Venezuela
5 March 2005Venezuela is experiencing a revolutionary process characterized by partial break with the former regime in the political, economic and social spheres, as well as a partial break with imperialism. Venezuela is on the path towards social transformation.