Kamala Harris could become the first woman president of the United State if she wins in November. Harris is now the putative Democratic Party candidate, having garnered enough votes to win the nomination at the convention later in August, and many progressive Democrats are trying to convince themselves that she’s a progressive. At the same time, Republican nominee Donald Trump calls her “a radical left lunatic.” She is, however, neither a progressive nor a radical leftist. Her politics are virtually identical to President Joseph Biden’s. But her campaign is gathering momentum and she does have the possibility of stopping Trump—and that’s the most important thing at the moment
A far-right Françafrique
30 July 2024, byThe Rassemblement National’s interest in Africa may be limited, but the few positions it has taken shed light on its positioning and strategy towards the continent. There are two discourses. One is directed at Africa, with condemnations of Françafrique and the CFA franc. This allows a relative porosity between the far right and certain African political forces. The other is aimed at its own electorate. The African continent is presented as a reservoir for immigration and as a threat from Islamist terrorism.
Israel, a colonial and apartheid state at the Olympic Games
29 July 2024, byOn 19 July, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) delivered its advisory opinion on the ‘legality’ of Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories since 1967. Twenty years after the opinion on the Wall in 2004, the ICJ strongly condemned the colonisation of Palestine and the crimes committed by the occupier.
In Kenya, a whiff of revolution
28 July 2024, byFor the past two months, Kenya has been shaken by severe turbulence. With a debt of more than 76 billion dollars, Kenya is under attack from the IMF, which has demanded far-reaching economic reforms that President Ruto hastened to implement. These include the introduction of multiple taxes on basic necessities. Measures considered by the international financial institution to have ‘medium risk’ social consequences. A serious mistake!
It’s time for the left to talk
27 July 2024, byThe 2024 national and provincial elections represent a critical turning point in South African politics. The results are a massive setback for the ANC, which is now forced into a humiliating coalition with theDemocratic Alliance. For Cosatu and the SACP, they represent a huge disaster. In effect, they signal the last rites for the Tripartite Alliance, which may continue in name but will have no effect in the political shaping of things. We have to ask: will the dramatic reversal in fortunes of the once dynamic and powerful workers movement be sufficient to bring about a shake-up. sufficient for a new path for the Left to be realised?
No Olympic truce for capitalism
26 July 2024, byOn 26 July, the Paris 2024 Olympic Games were launched. In the presence of the President of Israel, the same man who a few months ago was writing on the shells to be fired into Gaza by the Israeli army. As head of state, he came to greet the athletes of the Israeli National Olympic Committee. As the head of a state that flouts international law!
Russian terror in occupied areas of Ukraine: homes confiscated en masse
25 July 2024, byRussian authorities in occupied areas of Ukraine have intensified attacks on Ukrainian identity by confiscating people’s homes en masse, labour activists report.
The beginning of the end of China’s rise?
24 July 2024, bySpeaking with Federico Fuentes for LINKS International Journal of Socialist Renewal, Au discusses the factors that fueled China’s phenomenal economic rise, how they have begun to exhaust themselves, and the significance of the White Paper movement, which he argues heralds a new period in Chinese politics.
The Labour programme in the king’s speech: what next for the left?
23 July 2024, byDave Kellaway examines the Labour programme in the King’s speech and how the left should respond
Trump, Biden and Divine Intervention
22 July 2024, byA couple of weeks ago. Biden said, “Only the ’Lord Almighty’ could convince me to quit.” Well, apparently, He did, for Joe Biden has quit the presidential race and endorsed his vice president, Kamala Harris for president. Harris—or some other candidate—will have to be chosen at the Democratic Party Convention to be held from August 19-22. If the Democrats choose someone other than Harris, it could cost them support from women and Black voters. And, if Harris, they must also choose a vice-presidential running mate, preferably a white man from a swing state, like North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, or Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly.