Half a century of history that began with the GCR in the underground and continued after October 1988 in the legal system. A party that carries the project of a radical left that is so essential to our political field. A party that has captured the revolutionary energies of students and young workers who have tried to carry the struggles from the 70s to the hirak modestly and with great abnegation. A party that tries to rationalize social anger in a project of political awareness with a lot of ardour and certainly with mistakes and failings. This party, which is still young in its history and in its components, must exist, must be active, must have the right to build this Algeria demanded by the hirak.
Gagging a party is a very bad sign. To reproach it for its involvement in the hirak is an obstacle to political freedoms. The partisan field is indispensable despite its discredit. It allows to rationalise political action, to capture riotous anger and to promote democratic culture. An opposition party is a safeguard against the excesses of the parties in power. It is, through political and social struggles, a counterweight to the public policies of those in power. And this is the basis of a democratic and social modernity so necessary for our Algeria.
Give back the keys to the PST because it is also the key to hope!
28 May 2022
Source Nid des révolutionnaires.