The regime led by Daniel Ortega has nothing to do with the Sandinista revolution. In recent years it has increasingly adopted a neoliberal economic path, aligning with factions of the bourgeoisie such as that represented by the sinister Arnoldo Alemán. They have also diverted the FSLN’s historical political affinities into a corrupt framework, where the state is a simple instrument of accumulation of wealth at the service of a family caste. As if that were not enough, the Ortega-Murillo government has adopted a policy against women’s rights, agreeing with the most reactionary sectors of the Catholic Church, penalizing abortion. A good example of this is the alliance of Ortega-Murillo with the recently deceased Monsignor Obando, a fierce opponent of Sandinismo during the revolutionary government of the 1980s.
There is no reason to support a government that does not in any way represent the socialist aspirations of the Sandinista Revolution. Leftists continue to confuse the FSLN’s political affinities with the transformative project represented by Sandinismo. Of course, we are aware that the mobilization of the Nicaraguan people is not a “pure” mobilization, but rather a movement in which contradictory ideologies and social positions coexist. However, if we have learned something during the long cycle of global protests that began in 2008, it is that the fate of revolts is not written in advance, but that a leadership must be built in an anti-capitalist sense. For this reason, we consider that solidarity on an international scale of the political forces that claim to be socialists and revolutionaries is fundamental.
Anticapitalistas, 20 July 2018