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International Viewpoint

International Viewpoint Online is twenty years old!

It needs your help to continue

Wednesday 1 January 2025, by Penelope Duggan

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After over twenty years as a print magazine, International Viewpoint took the decision to become online only from January 2005. The costs and delay of serving our worldwide audience with a print magazine had become unsustainable, particularly as much of our readership is in countries where the costs of a subscription to an international magazine is prohibitive.

But the role of International Viewpoint as the English language of the publication of the Fourth International is vital. English is, thanks to the imperialist past and present of English-speaking countries, a language that is widely read and spoken and used for international access in all continents. Publication in English therefore enables our comrades in Sri Lanka to explain what is happening with “Comrade President? Change and Continuity in Sri Lanka” to readers who only have access to bourgeois media to the rest of the world, while our regular coverage of the USA notably here and here is crucial given its dominant role in the world.

But giving a voice to the legitimate aspirations and struggle of the Palestinians, Ukrainian fighters, Russian resistants to Putin in this moment is just as important for an International that aims not just to analyse and comment but to build active solidarity with all those fighting domination, exploitation and oppression, and to develop an internationalist understanding that no struggle takes place in isolation. A victory for one is a victory for all!

Over the years International Viewpoint has published reports and analyses from countries around the globe about developments in the movements of the oppressed, women, lgbtiq, the racialized as well as the general political situation - the search facility on the front page will help you find by country name - remembering always that it’s Spanish state for us.

Since its creation the role of International Viewpoint has been complemented and in part replaced by the site fourth.international which as the multilingual site (in English, Spanish and French with the possibility that certain articles may be in Arabic, German, Italian, Portuguese) of the Fourth International has the responsibility of publishing official documents (resolutions, statements) past and present. Nevertheless, IVP continues to be the channel by which we can publish the most rapidly the analyses and reports of our comrades.

In our Features and Debate sections we also publish lengthier background articles or pieces taking up ongoing debates in the broad anti-capitalist movement.

International Viewpoint also publishes theoretical material and contains the English-language archives for two of our leading comrades, Ernest Mandel and Daniel Bensaïd.

International Viewpoint fulfils all these tasks thanks to the efforts of a small team of dedicated comrades who give their time and their effort to this project. Nevertheless, it is not cost-free and we are reliant on the donations - occasional or (preferably) regular from our readers.

Please therefore consider donating towards the work of International Viewpoint. Simply follow this link: Donate then enter an amount of your choice. One-off donations are very welcome. But regular donations by standing order are also vital to our continuing functioning. See here for our bank account details and to take out a standing order..


If you like this article or have found it useful, please consider donating towards the work of International Viewpoint. Simply follow this link: Donate then enter an amount of your choice. One-off donations are very welcome. But regular donations by standing order are also vital to our continuing functioning. See the last paragraph of this article for our bank account details and take out a standing order. Thanks.