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Consecrated with the Nobel Prize, the IPCC sees its recommendations kicked into the long grass

One year after the Bali Conference on Global Warming

On October 12, 2007, researchers of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) received the Nobel Peace Prize, applauded by all the (supposedly) important decision-makers in the world. One year later, the governments of the developed countries no longer conceal their intention of truncating and deforming the recommendations of the experts, in order to make them compatible with the interests of the North and the diktats of the multinationals. The so-called financial crisis can only strengthen this tendency in the future.

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Revolution and the party in Gramsci’s thought

A modern application

The central thread of this work is an evaluation of Antonio Gramsci’s fundamental contributions to the theory of revolutionary social transformation, particularly incorporating the role of the revolutionary party as the central institution of revolutionary conflict: its position as the ’’Modern Prince’’ and the ’’Collective Intellectual’’, its relation to different socio-political actors (its allies and opponents, different classes, the state and the civil society).

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Carbon Trading - an Ecosocialist Critique

Despite its popularity among advocates of market solutions to global warming, carbon trading cannot produce the quantitative and qualitative changes that the world needs

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